IBMi-LUG-2019-78-workshop Public
Forked from ibmrcruicks/IBMi-LUG-2019-78-workshopRoss Cruickshank's Workshop on Machine Learning on IBM i (Node-RED & Jupyter)
file400 Public
Forked from perg/file400IBM i record level access for Python 3
x400-xrpgle Public
Forked from zs6jce/x400-xrpgleEclipse XText based IDE for the RPGLE language.
dds-to-ddl Public
Forked from oceanskunk/dds-to-ddlConvert a DDS file into SQL Table and creates surrogate files.
showdown Public
Forked from showdownjs/showdownA bidirectional Markdown to HTML to Markdown converter written in Javascript
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 7, 2019 -
zowe-cli-cics-deploy-plugin Public
Forked from IBM/zowe-cli-cics-deploy-pluginProvides the cics-deploy plug-in for Zowe CLI https://github.com/zowe/zowe-cli to deploy applications from a workstation to IBM CICS Transaction Server. Initially it supports deploying Node.js appl…
TypeScript Eclipse Public License 2.0 UpdatedJun 7, 2019 -
Bob Public
Forked from s4isystems/BobA build system for creating IBM i-native objects using GNU Make.
Configurate Public
Forked from paulpritchard68/ConfigurateA collection of configuration files
Vim Script UpdatedJun 2, 2019 -
compleat Public
Forked from mbrubeck/compleatGenerate command-line completions using a simple DSL.
Haskell UpdatedMay 31, 2019 -
greenlet Public
Forked from python-greenlet/greenletLightweight in-process concurrent programming
C Other UpdatedMay 22, 2019 -
RpgMap Public
Forked from jerps/RpgMapA complete and versatile in-memory ordered key/value store for the modern RPG programming language
C MIT License UpdatedMay 12, 2019 -
rpgle.vim Public
Forked from andlrc/rpgle.vimSyntax files for Free-Form ILE RPG
Vim Script UpdatedMay 9, 2019 -
-Dependancy-Based-Build-DBB-for-z-OS-Samples Public
Forked from ibmdbbdev/SamplesSamples for use with IBM Dependency Based Build
COBOL Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 14, 2019 -
misci Public
miscellaneous SQL scripts for supporting an IBM i database
example-ControlOptionDSL Public
Forked from zs6jce/example-ControlOptionDSLXtend UpdatedJul 21, 2018 -
lsshipper Public
Forked from stavinsky/lsshipperSimple logstash shipper based on Python Asyncio
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 13, 2018 -
python-ibmdb Public
Forked from ibmdb/python-ibmdbAutomatically exported from code.google.com/p/ibm-db
Python UpdatedNov 7, 2017 -
barrySQL Public
Forked from worksofliam/barrySQLRPGLE free precompiler for SQL (generates CLI)
CLOPS Public
Forked from FreeAndFair/CLOPSCommand Line OPtionS parser and documentation generator for Java.
Java Other UpdatedMay 16, 2017 -
Forked from cfburns/RPTMODReport Mods Framework
iseriespython Public
Forked from monnerat/iseriespythonFixes to iseriespython 2.7 revision E
C UpdatedJun 18, 2015 -
pinefs Public
Forked from marnanel/pinefsAaron Lav's Python NFS server - local copy
Python UpdatedJul 1, 2013