This project converts 廣韻 data into a format recognizable by Apple Dictionary, so that you can quickly look up the readings. It can serve as a local version of ytenx.
Current Version: 0.1.
First, download Additional Tools for Xcode.
Then, run the following commands:
# Change the path if necessary
make DICT_BUILD_TOOL_DIR="/Volumes/Additional Tools/Utilities/Dictionary Development Kit"
# Install to ~/Library/Dictionaries
make install
All done. Enjoy!
This project is a direct derivative work of poem's 廣韻全字表.
Version 0.1:
- 反切
- 音韻地位
- 字義
- 界面美化
- 小韻
- 反切上字
- 反切下字
- 聲紐
- 韻部
- 常見拼音方案
- 域外方音(日、韓、越)
Maybe useful:
- 按反切、拼音查尋
- 常用擬音方案
- 漢字字形演變
- 上古韻部
- 詞根與詞族
- 收錄康熙字典
- 增加音韻學教程䈎