Powershell module to turn on/off TLS protocols for Windows. This tool relies on True/False booleans to turn on/off the various TLS and SSL versions. Admin privileges are required as the script is making registry edits per the Microsoft docs.
True = Enable the protocol
False = Disable the protocol
- Import the module to powershell
import-module C:/path/to/Manage-Tls.psm1
- Run and provide either $True (enable) or $False (disable)
Manage-Tls -ssl3 $false
Manage-Tls -tls12 $true
Currently supports the following switches:
-ssl2 # SSLv2
-ssl3 # SSLv3
-tls1 # TLSv1
-tls11 # TLSv1.1
-tls12 # TLSv1.2