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@tamalsaha tamalsaha released this 29 May 10:16
· 627 commits to master since this release

KubeDB 0.8.0-rc.0 comes with a number of major ux improvements and lots of bug fixes. This release requires Kubernetes 1.9.x or later versions. Databse resume and wipeout support has been updated. The only way to resume a DormantDatabase is by re-creating the original DB object (e.g. Postgres, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Mysql, Redis or Memcached object). WipeOut option is taken into consideration when deleting a DormantDatabase object. Storage type is required now and no longer defaults to EmptyDir.

To install, please follow the installation procedure here. You can find the quickstart guide here.

Notable Changes

  • Storage is required for DB objects #224 (the-redback)
  • use resources for individual node #223 (aerokite)
  • skip storage secret validation for S3 & GCS #222 (aerokite)
  • Separate apiGroup for mutating and validating webhook #217 (the-redback)
  • Update client-go to 7.0.0 #216 (tamalsaha)
  • Added support for osm 0.7.0 (minio server) #215 (the-redback)
  • Use one Informer and N-eventHandler for Snapshot, DormantDB and Job #210 (the-redback)
  • Generate swagger.json #208 (tamalsaha)
  • Add install pkg for crds #207 (tamalsaha)
  • Fix openapi spec for kubedb crds #206 (tamalsaha)
  • Added shared informer factory #204 (the-redback)
  • Improved Required and Optional fields for kubedb APIs #201 (the-redback)
  • Add CRD Validation #199 (tamalsaha)
  • Generate openapi spec #198 (tamalsaha)
  • Refactored Dormant Database Controller to support KubeDB Mutating #197 (the-redback)
  • Add the diffs to error for spec mismatches between dormantDB and DB object #145
  • Get the kinks out of active/dormant model #144
  • Use apps/v1 api #134
  • Upgrade PostgreSQL version 9.6.6 to 9.6.7 #132
  • Bad DB is resumed when Operator restarts #128
  • Failed to take continuous backup using wal-g for missing env values #124

What's Next
Please use this release in your dev/test/qa cluster and report back any issues. This release is closed for new features. We hope to mark this as GA end of this week.