A python script for server side conversion of videos to HTML5 and Flash video formats. Converts input videos to flv, ogg, mp4, and webm allowing them to be played on a wide range of browsers including mobile devices.
Script usage:
flash_converter.py [-hitpfdebvg]
[-h | --help] prints this help and usage message
[-i | --input-dir] the video input root directory.
[-t | --output-dir] the video output directory.
[-p | --prefix] a filename prefix for video outputs.
[-f | --input-file] the input video file to convert
[-d | --dry-run] dry run, print commands, don't convert
[-e | --exists] ignore file if output already exists.
[-b | --backup] backup old videos, rename to *.bak
[-v | --verbosity] the verbosity level, quiet to debug
[-g | --logfile] the conversion logfile
[-m | --format] list of output formats, overrides default
To operate correctly serveral pieces of software must be installed from source. The following guide explains in detail how to download and install the software correctly. Other libraries such as libtheora may also need to be installed.
In general the script takes a single file or directory structure of files to convert. For each video it uses the mediainfo command to gather information, using this information to create a web video of good quality at an acceptable size. This involves setting correct frame rates, sampling rates, and scaling widths and heights. Aspect ratios are kept the same as the original video and it is scaled up or down as needed. The video is padded with black bars to get a final scaled output. Ffmpeg is used to do the conversion to different video output formats.
Please feel free to send any improvements or bug fixes.