The Kudan C++ library for the detection and tracking of markers
KdImageTrack is released under GPL V3 see KdImageTrack-gpl.txt for details.
KdImageTrack dependencies and their licenses are listed under KdImageTrack-dependencies.txt.
For a closed-source version of KdImageTrack for commercial purposes, please contact to [email protected].
These instructions will get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development purposes.
XCode 8.2.1 or later.
Clone the repository.
Open KdImageTrack.xcodeproj
in Xcode, located in the root directory.
Select the KdImageTrack-macOS
scheme and build for the compiled static libraries.
Various demo schemes also exist to give examples of the static library's usage.
Select and build the IntegrationTests
scheme in Xcode.