This linter plugin for Linter provides an interface to phpcs. It is a fork of the linter-phpcs package modified to work better for Drupal projects.
Before using this plugin, you must ensure that phpcs
is installed on your
system together with the Drupal coding standards.
To do this, follow the next steps:
composer global require drupal/coder
sudo ln -s ~/.composer/vendor/bin/phpcs /usr/local/bin
phpcs --config-set installed_paths ~/.composer/vendor/drupal/coder/coder_sniffer
After you have completed the steps above, no additional configuration is required.
For more information about these procedures please check this drupal article.
Except for the regular inline coding standards issues, this package also add a button to the status bar.
copy drupalcs errors can be used to get the errors to the clipboard so that you can easily report them.
You can then install this package either from within Atom or by running the following command:
$ apm install linter-drupalcs
Note: If you do not already have the linter
package installed it will be installed
for you to provide an interface for this package.
You can configure linter-phpcs from the Atom package manager or by editing ~/.atom/config.cson (choose Open Your Config in Atom menu).
Here's is the example config:
executablePath: phpcs # phpcs path. run 'which phpcs' to find the path
codeStandardOrConfigFile: 'Drupal' # Drupal coding standards file
warningSeverity: 0 # phpcs warning-severity (0 to display only errors)
ignore: '*,*,*' # ignore filename patterns