A PHP function for interacting with Goo.gl shortening service.
Released under the MIT license: http://kukawski.pl/mit-license.txt
This is second version of the library. Previously, the library used an object-oriented design, but it wasn't very user/developer friendly. A single function approach is much simpler to use and follows design principles of many PHP standard library features.
The first version of the library is available on v1 branch: https://github.com/kukawski/googl-php/tree/v1
The project is now archived, because Goo.gl reached its end of life.
define('GOOGL_API_KEY', 'YOUR KEY'); // if want to use API key, define as constant
$shortcut = googl('https://github.com/kukawski/googl-php'); // https://goo.gl/XykKB
if (!$shortcut) {
$long = googl('https://goo.gl/XykKB', 'expand');