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🚙 one page site


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

As this is a simple site and requires no routing, it was bootstrapped with create-react-app typescript template. If this was a more complex project, I would use NextJS and take advantage of the file based routing approach.

Styled Components was used for the styling of components. Emotion could also have been used. This is my preference rather using large style sheets as its easy to keep track of specific styles for components, and prevents class name bugs. Other approches could have included TailwindCSS or a UI framework such as Chakra UI or MUI

As this is a simple project, React Helmet is used to control the metadata for SEO. Usually using Next.JS( or Gatsby would be a better approach.

Local build and run

My package manager of choice is yarn, but NPM can also be used.

Install packages

Run yarn in install all packages in same directory as package.json

Run locally

Run yarn start in same directory as package.json

Runs the app in development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.


To make exploring UI components easier for fellow developers, there is a Storybook Instance in this project. This can be ran using the command yarn storybook. Open http://localhost:6006 to view it in the browser.


This project is deployed to

Project structure

The project structure follows Atomic design structure. It is a good way of keeping UI components organised and makes components easier to find in larger projects.

Http Requests

Axios was used for Http requests. The base url for the search endpoint is stored in the env file. Have included an example env in the repo, but this would not normally be pushed to the repo!. The URL of this endpoint is

To Do

  • Refactor TextBox amd SearchBar so results appear underneath SearchBar Component
  • Styling of components as per Rental Cars Live site (This is mostly due to the refactor above)
  • Accessability considerations as per a11y
  • Tests for ALL components and mock API call.
  • loading icon to be added to SearchBar Component to show fetch is in progress.
  • Add React Helmet for more SEO goodness.


  • Basic setup of project including atomic structure and ensure components are in dev
  • Setup up linting rules (ESLINT and Prettier) and precommit hook
  • Basic SEO setup using metadata in header public/index.html and a v.basic site map
  • Create function that can be used to fetch data from endpoint
  • Create Textbox search atom
  • Restructure project to make sure storybook def and tests are at relevent levels
  • Fetch search data when 2 or more characters are entered and use endpoint{numberRow}&solrTerm={searchTerm}
  • Accessability considerations as per a11y
  • show max 6 search results

Other notes

  • I should have used MUI for the input as this would have been much quicker to impliment. My implimentation is a little janky as the child div resizes the search container on focus 😞
  • Testing needs to be expanded upon for coverage of all components. Again, I did not have time to impliment this. Should DEFINETLY Mock the API call, but again, did not have time.
  • Due to time contraints have not implemented the dropdown list in the correct place. This should be in the SearchBar component so it will appear under this element Need to refactor but do not have time.


These can be found in the relevent component. Tests can be run using yarn test and yarn test:watch. Jest to run tests and react-testing-libraryfor mocking.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. This folder is also used for deployment to Github pages

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!

See the section about deployment for more information.

yarn deploy

This deploys the project to from /build.

yarn storybook

This runs the storbook instance at Open http://localhost:6006 to view it in the browser.

yarn lint and yarn format

This runs linters to format code. This is also ran as a predeploy hook.

About booking lookup






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