❗ Important! Before you proceed, please read the EUDI Wallet Reference Implementation project description
This is a library offering a DSL (domain-specific language) for defining how a set of claims should be made selectively disclosable.
Library implements SD-JWT draft5 is implemented in Swift.
- Issuance: As an Issuer use the library to issue a SD-JWT (in Combined Issuance Format)
- Holder Verification: As Holder verify a SD-JWT (in Combined Issuance Format) issued by an Issuer
- Presentation Verification: As a Verifier verify SD-JWT in Combined Presentation Format or in Envelope Format
- Recreate initial claims: Given a SD-JWT recreate the original claims
To issue a SD-JWT, an Issuer
should have:
- Decided on how the issued claims will be selectively disclosed (check DSL examples)
- Whether to use decoy digests or not
- An appropriate signing key pair
- optionally, decided if and how will include holder's public key to the SD-JWT
In the example bellow, Issuer decides to issue an SD-JWT as follows:
- Includes in plain standard JWT claims (
) - Makes selectively disclosable a claim named
using structured disclosure. This allows to individually disclose every subclaim ofaddress
- Uses his key pair to sign the SD-JWT
let issuersKeyPair: KeyPair!
let signedSDJWT = try SDJWTIssuer.issue(issuersPrivateKey: issuersKeyPair.private,
decoys: 0, // Can be omitted
header: .init(algorithm: .ES256)) {
ConstantClaims.sub(subject: "6c5c0a49-b589-431d-bae7-219122a9ec2c")
ConstantClaims.iss(domain: "https://example.com/issuer")
ConstantClaims.iat(time: 1516239022)
ConstantClaims.exp(time: 1516239022)
ObjectClaim("address") {
FlatDisclosedClaim("street_address", "Schulstr. 12")
FlatDisclosedClaim("locality", "Schulpforta")
FlatDisclosedClaim("region", "Sachsen-Anhalt")
FlatDisclosedClaim("country", "DE")
In this case, the SD-JWT is expected to be in serialized form.
Holder must know:
the public key of the Issuer and the algorithm used by the Issuer to sign the SD-JWT
let unverifiedSdJwtString = "..."
let issuersKeyPair: KeyPair!
SDJWTVerifier(parser: CompactParser(serialisedString: unverifiedSdJwtString))
.verifyIssuance { jws in
SignatureVerifier(signedJWT: jws, publicKey: issuersKeyPair.public)
In simple (not enveloped) format
In this case, the SD-JWT is expected to be in Combined Presentation format. Verifier should know the public key of the Issuer and the algorithm used by the Issuer to sign the SD-JWT. Also, if verification includes Key Binding, the Verifier must also know a how the public key of the Holder was included in the SD-JWT and which algorithm the Holder used to sign the Key Binding JWT
// Issue a SDJWT to passed to a holder from an issuer
// Including Holders Public key
let issuerSignedSDJWT = try SDJWTIssuer
.issue(issuersPrivateKey: issuersKeyPair.private,
header: .init(algorithm: .ES256)) {
// Claims disclosed or plain
// add holders public key in the payload
ObjectClaim("cnf") {
ObjectClaim("jwk") {
PlainClaim("kty", "EC")
PlainClaim("x", "EOid5YEjFXpCzaqyEqckcA5TBGxWEVYCiKz05qO5r_c")
PlainClaim("y", "7TTgK6fW5oxaN8m22f_HPVJ9Ny3KBKIvLcBIpUpk-7A")
PlainClaim("crv", "P-256")
// Issue a SDJWT for presentation to a verifier
// Expect a verifier Challenge in json format to sign
// And prove identity
// Chose the subset of disclosures to present if needed
let holderSDJWTRepresentation = try SDJWTIssuer
.presentation(holdersPrivateKey: holdersKeyPair.private,
signedSDJWT: issuerSignedSDJWT,
disclosuresToPresent: issuerSignedSDJWT.disclosures.filter({ _ in true }),
keyBindingJWT: KBJWT(header: .init(algorithm: .ES256),
kbJwtPayload: VerifiersChallenge.json)
SDJWTVerifier(sdJwt: holderSDJWTRepresentation)
.verifyPresentation { jws in
try SignatureVerifier(signedJWT: jws, publicKey: issuersKeyPair.public)
} keyBindingVerifier: { jws, holdersPublicKey in
try KeyBindingVerifier(challenge: jws, extractedKey: holdersPublicKey)
In enveloped format
In this case, the SD-JWT is expected to be in envelope format. Verifier should know:
- the public key of the Issuer and the algorithm used by the Issuer to sign the SD-JWT.
- the public key and the signing algorithm used by the Holder to sign the envelope JWT, since the envelope acts like a proof of possession (replacing the key binding JWT)
let sdjwtOnPayload = "...."
try SDJWTVerifier(parser: CompactParser(serialisedString: sdjwtOnPayload))
.verifyEnvelope(envelope: envelopedJws) { jws in
// to verify the enveloped sdjwt
try SignatureVerifier(signedJWT: jws, publicKey: issuersKeyPair.public)
} holdersSignatureVerifier: {
// to verify the container jwt
try SignatureVerifier(signedJWT: envelopedJws, publicKey: holdersKeyPair.public)
} claimVerifier: { audClaim, iat in
ClaimsVerifier(iat: iat,
iatValidWindow: .init(startTime: Date(),
endTime: Date()),
audClaim: audClaim,
expectedAud: "clientId")
Given a complex structure as per Example 3: Complex Structured SD-JWT and a subset of claims we can recreate the initial JSON of the SD-JWT.
["2GLC42sKQveCfGfryNRN9w", "time", "2012-04-23T18:25Z"]
["Pc33JM2LchcU_lHggv_ufQ", {"_sd": ["9wpjVPWuD7PK0nsQDL8B06lmdgV3LVybhHydQpTNyLI", "G5EnhOAOoU9X_6QMNvzFXjpEA_Rc-AEtm1bG_wcaKIk", "IhwFrWUB63RcZq9yvgZ0XPc7Gowh3O2kqXeBIswg1B4", "WpxQ4HSoEtcTmCCKOeDslB_emucYLz2oO8oHNr1bEVQ"]}]
["eI8ZWm9QnKPpNPeNenHdhQ", "method", "pipp"]
["G02NSrQfjFXQ7Io09syajA", "given_name", "Max"]
["lklxF5jMYlGTPUovMNIvCA", "family_name", "M\u00fcller"]
["y1sVU5wdfJahVdgwPgS7RQ", "address", {"locality": "Maxstadt", "postal_code": "12344", "country": "DE", "street_address": "Weidenstra\u00dfe 22"}]
let example3SDJWTSerialisedFormat = "..."
let sdjwt = CompactParser(serialisedString: example3SDJWTSerialisedFormat).getSignedSdJwt()
// array of digests of disclosures found on payload for collision
sdjwt.recreateClaims().digestsFoundOnPayload checking
// the recreated JSON
The recreated JSON output
"iat" : 1683000000,
"verified_claims" : {
"claims" : {
"given_name" : "Max",
"family_name" : "Müller",
"address" : {
"country" : "DE",
"locality" : "Maxstadt",
"street_address" : "Weidenstraße 22",
"postal_code" : "12344"
"verification" : {
"trust_framework" : "de_aml",
"time" : "2012-04-23T18:25Z",
"evidence" : [
"method" : "pipp"
"iss" : "https://example.com/issuer",
"exp" : 1883000000
All examples assume that we have the following claim set
"sub": "6c5c0a49-b589-431d-bae7-219122a9ec2c",
"address": {
"street_address": "Schulstr. 12",
"locality": "Schulpforta",
"region": "Sachsen-Anhalt",
"country": "DE"
- Option 1: Flat SD-JWT
- Option 2: Structured SD-JWT
- Option 3: SD-JWT with Recursive Disclosures
- Example 2a: Handling Structured Claims
- Example 3: Complex Structured SD-JWT
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.