As an online customer
I want the app to automatically load my latest image feed
So I can always enjoy the newest images of my friends
Given the customer has connectivity
When the customer requests to see their feed
Then the app should display the latest feed from remote
And replace the cache with the new feed
As an offline customer
I want the app to show the latest saved version of my image feed
So I can always enjoy images of my friends
Given the customer doesn't have connectivity
And there’s a cached version of the feed
And the cache is less than seven days old
When the customer requests to see the feed
Then the app should display the latest feed saved
Given the customer doesn't have connectivity
And there’s a cached version of the feed
And the cache is seven days old or more
When the customer requests to see the feed
Then the app should display an error message
Given the customer doesn't have connectivity
And the cache is empty
When the customer requests to see the feed
Then the app should display an error message
- Execute "Load Feed Items" command with above data.
- System downloads data from the URL.
- System validates downloaded data.
- System creates feed items from valid data.
- System delivers feed items.
- System delivers invalid data error.
- System delivers connectivity error.
- Execute "Load Feed Items" command with above data.
- System retrieves feed data from cache.
- System validates cache is less than seven days old.
- System creates feed items from cached data.
- System delivers feed items.
- System delivers error.
- System delivers no feed images.
- System delivers no feed images.
- Execute "Validate Cache" command with above data.
- System retrieves feed data from cache.
- System validates cache is less than seven days old.
- System deletes cache.
- System deletes cache.
- Feed items
- Execute "Save Feed Items" command with above data.
- System deletes old cache data.
- System encodes feed items.
- System timestamps the new cache.
- System saves new cache data.
- System delivers success message.
- System delivers error.
- System delivers error.
Property | Type |
id |
description |
String (optional) |
location |
String (optional) |
imageURL |
GET *url* (TBD)
"items": [
"id": "a UUID",
"description": "a description",
"location": "a location",
"image": "https://a-image.url",
"id": "another UUID",
"description": "another description",
"image": "https://another-image.url"
"id": "even another UUID",
"location": "even another location",
"image": "https://even-another-image.url"
"id": "yet another UUID",
"image": "https://yet-another-image.url"