An addon root hiding kernel patches and userspace module for KernelSU.
The userspace tool
, as well as the ksu module, require a susfs patched kernel to work.
- This is only experimental code, that said it can harm your system or cause performance hit, YOU ARE !! W A R N E D !! already
- The susfs kernel patches may differ for different kernel version or even on the same kernel version, you may need to create your own patches for your kernel.
- Clone the repo with a tag that has release version, as tag with release version is more stable
- Run
cp ./kernel_patches/KernelSU/10_enable_susfs_for_ksu.patch $KERNEL_ROOT/KernelSU/
- Run
cp ./kernel_patches/50_add_susfs_in_kernel-<kernel_version>.patch $KERNEL_ROOT/
- Run
cp ./kernel_patches/fs/susfs.c $KERNEL_ROOT/fs/
- Run
cp ./kernel_patches/include/linux/susfs.h $KERNEL_ROOT/include/linux/
- Run
and thenpatch -p1 < 10_enable_susfs_for_ksu.patch
- Run
and thenpatch -p1 < 50_add_susfs_in_kernel.patch
, if there are failed patches, you may try to patch them manually by yourself. - Make sure again to have
enabled before building the kernel, some other SUSFS feature may be disabled by default, you may enable/disable them viamenuconfig
,kernel defconfig
, or change thedefault [y|n]
option under eachconfig KSU_SUSFS_
option in$KernelSU_repo/kernel/Kconfig
if you build with a new defconfig every time. - If your kernel already has the KSU non-kprobe hook patches applied, then you have to
option. - If your KernelSU repo is a fork by 5ec1cff, then you should enable
option. - For some compilor error, please refer to the section [Known Compilor Issues] below.
- For other building tips, please refer to the section [Other Building Tips] below.
- Run
to build the userspace toolksu_susfs
, and the arm64 and arm binary will be copied toksu_module_susfs/tools/
as well. - Now you can also push the compiled
tool to/data/adb/ksu/bin/
so that you can run it directly in adb root shell or termux root shell, as well as in your own ksu modules.
--Important Notes--
- sus_su userspace tool is now deprecated, as newer xiaomi devices are found to have a root detection service running which is named "mrmd" and it is spawned by init process, and since sus_su mounted by overlayfs can't be umounted for process spawned by init process, so it will get detected unless there is a better umount scheme for init spawned process.
--Instruction for 1st mode (Deprecated)--
- sus_su userspace tool is an executable aimed to get a root shell by sending a request to a susfs fifo driver, this is exclusive for "kprobe hook enabled KSU" only, DO NOT use it if your KernelSU has kprobe disabled.
- Only apps with root access granted by ksu manager are allow to run 'su'.
- For best compatibility, sus_su requires overlayfs to allow all other 3rd party apps to execute 'su' to get root shell.
- See
in module templete for more details.
- Run
to build the sus_su executable, the arm64 and arm binary will be copied toksu_module_susfs/tools/
. - Uncomment the line
in service.sh to enable sus_su - Run
to build the module and flash again.
--Instruction for 2nd mode--
- Just run
ksu_susfs sus_su 2
to disable core kprobe hooks and enable inline hooks for su.
- The ksu module here is just a demo to show how to use it.
- It will also copy the
tool to/data/adb/ksu/bin/
as well when installing the module.
- ksu_susfs tool can be run in any stage scripts, post-fs-data.sh, services.sh, boot-completed.sh according to your own need.
- Run
to build the susfs KSU module.
- Run
in root shell for detailed usages. - See
for supported features after applying the susfs patches.
To only remove the
string from kernel release string, open file$KERNEL_ROOT/scripts/setlocalversion
, then look for all the lines that containingprintf '%s' -dirty
, and replace it withprintf '%s' ''
Alternatively, If you want to directly hardcode the whole kernel release string, then open file
, look for the last lineecho "$res"
, and for example, replace it withecho "-android13-01-gb123456789012-ab12345678"
To hardcode your kernel version string, open
, and look for lineUTS_VERSION="$(echo $UTS_VERSION $CONFIG_FLAGS $TIMESTAMP | cut -b -$UTS_LEN)"
, then for example, replace it withUTS_VERSION="#1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jan 1 18:00:00 UTC 2024"
To hardcode your kernel version string which can be seen from /proc/version, open
, then search for variable nameLINUX_COMPILE_BY
, then for example, appendLINUX_COMPILE_BY=build-user
To spoof the
with the stock config,- Make sure you are on the stock ROM and using stock kernel.
- Use adb shell or root shell to pull your stock
from your device to PC. - Decompress it using
or whatever tools, then copy it to$KERNEL_ROOT/arch/arm64/configs/stock_defconfig
- Open file
. - Look for line
$(obj)/config_data: $(KCONFIG_CONFIG) FORCE
, and replace it with$(obj)/config_data: arch/arm64/configs/stock_defconfig FORCE
error: no member named 'android_kabi_reservedx' in 'struct yyyyyyyy'
- Because normally the memeber
u64 android_kabi_reservedx;
doesn't exist in all structs with all kernel version below 4.19, and sometimes it is not guaranteed existed with kernel version >= 4.19 and <= 5.4, and even with GKI kernel, like some of the custom kernels has all of them disabled. So at this point if the susfs patches didn't have them patched for you, then what you need to do is to manually append the member to the end of the corresponding struct definition, it should beu64 android_kabi_reservedx;
with the lastx
starting from1
, likeu64 android_kabi_reserved1;
,u64 android_kabi_reserved2;
and so on. You may also refer to patch from other branches likekernel-4.14
of this repo for extradiff
of the missing kabi members.
- Because normally the memeber
- Some of the File Explorer Apps cannot display a files/directory properly when a specific sub path of '/sdcard' or '/storage/emulated/0' is added to sus_path
- Make sure the file explorer app has root allowed by KSU manager, because sus_path is only effective on no root allowed process uid.
- It is strongly NOT recommended adding sub path of '/sdcard' or '/storage/emulated/0' to sus_path, because file explorer app is likely using android API to retrieve the list of files/directory, which means the calling uid will be changed to other system media provider app such as the google provider to execute the file lookup operation, and makes sus_path think that it is not a root allowed process uid so as to prevent them from showing up, unless the app obtains the root access first then use root privilege to list the files/directories without using android API.
- KernelSU: https://github.com/tiann/KernelSU
- KernelSU fork: https://github.com/5ec1cff/KernelSU
- @Kartatz: for ideas and original commit from https://github.com/Dominium-Apum/kernel_xiaomi_chime/pull/1/commits/74f8d4ecacd343432bb8137b7e7fbe3fd9fef189
- @simonpunk
- PayPal: [email protected]
- BTC: bc1qgkwvsfln02463zpjf7z6tds8xnpeykggtgk4kw