Volumio-buddy is a python library and helper program for Volumio 2. It is meant to run on the same host where the Volumio back-end runs and provides the following additional functionality:
- connect to volumio using the websockets API
- support for GPIO pushbuttons to control volumio
- support for a rotary encoder to skip through a playlist
- support for a rotary encoder to adjust the volume
- RGB LED support
- SSD1306 OLED 128x64px screen support (I2C)
- socketIO-client-2
- WiringPI
- Adafruit Python SSD1306
- RPi.GPIO This package is a dependency of Adafruit_Python_GPIO which is a dependency of Adafruit_Python_SSD1306, but is not listed in setup.py
The Pix Chicago font is provided by Etienne Desclides.
The Bitstream Vera Sans is one of the Gnome fonts.
First, ensure you have JPEG and Freetype support libraries installed:
apt-get install -y libjpeg9-dev libfreetype6-dev
After that, clone the github repository:
git clone https://github.com/foxey/volumio-buddy
cd volumio-buddy
Then install the library and the script:
python ./setup.py install
Run the script: