- iOS 10.0+, iPadOS 10.0+, MacOS 10.15+ (Supports Mac Catalyst)
- Swift 5.0+
KVKToast is available through CocoaPods or Carthage or Swift Package Manager.
pod 'KVKToast'
Adding Pods to an Xcode project
github "kvyatkovskys/KVKToast"
Adding Frameworks to an Xcode project
- In Xcode navigate to File → Swift Packages → Add Package Dependency...
- Select a project
- Paste the repository URL (
) and click Next. - For Rules, select Version (Up to Next Major) and click Next.
- Click Finish.
Adding Package Dependencies to Your App
To display a toast
To display a toast with parameters
message: "Description",
image: image,
position: .top,
type: .info,
duration: 5)
To hide the latest toast immediately
To hide all toasts
KVKToast is available under the MIT license