The *MangosZero* world database containing creatures, npcs populate the game world with. Report all issues at
Mangos ZERO is a server for World of Warcraft. The server serves full world content including authentication & scripts support. Compatible with World of Warcraft clients 1.12.1-1.12.3 - Report all …
C(ontinued)-MaNGOS (Classic fork) is about: -- Doing WoW-Emulation Right!
Laravel 10 with user authentication, registration with email confirmation, social media authentication, password recovery, and captcha protection. Uses offical [Bootstrap 4](…
Replacement for the Script Library that comes with MaNGOS, written in C++ and is compatible with both Windows and Linux. SQL supports MySQL and PGSql.
Plug&Play transmog module for AzerothCore, based on Rochet2 works
AzerothCore - Continuing Sunwell Core Project! Based on MaNGOS -> TrinityCore -> SunwellCore
Random Enchantments for any Looted, Created or Quest Reward items
azerothcore / mod-anticheat
Forked from 3ndos/AnticheatModulePort of PassiveAnticheat to Azerothcore
azerothcore / GMGenie
Forked from chocochaos/GMGenieWorld of Warcraft addon for use by Game Masters on private servers running TrinityCore. Compatible with client versions 3.3.5 and 4.3.4.
Introduction to Database Management Systems semester project
Frankie's Fine Dining is a PHP Dynamic Website created from scratch following Brad Hussey's ( udemy course Coding Dynamic Websites in PHP
🐘 PHP library to query Minecraft servers