Collection of custom elements that appear hand drawn. Great for wireframes or a fun look.
Convert AI papers to GUI,Make it easy and convenient for everyone to use artificial intelligence technology。让每个人都简单方便的使用前沿人工智能技术
The core software distribution for the Inform 7 programming language.
A dissertation template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen (HITSZ), including bachelor, master and doctor dissertations.
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专为程序员编写的英语学习指南 v1.2。在线版本请点 ->
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A library for flexible voxel-based mapping, mainly focusing on truncated and Euclidean signed distance fields.
Rank 1st in the leaderboard of SemanticKITTI semantic segmentation (both single-scan and multi-scan) (Nov. 2020) (CVPR2021 Oral)
SuMa++: Efficient LiDAR-based Semantic SLAM (Chen et al IROS 2019)
An local audio player & m3u8 radio player using Rust and completely terminal gui🎵. 使用Rust开发的纯终端本地/m3u8网络电台播放器🎵.
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A brief computer graphics / rendering course
Eclipse Mosquitto - An open source MQTT broker