A SSW 567 project to retrieve information from GitHub's API.
This provides a function that, given a username, will return a dictionary containing the list of repositories that user has and the number of commits per each repository. An example usage is shown below.
from get_user_info import getUserInfo
result = getUserInfo('kylerobots')
This would print something like this:
{'algorithms': 30, 'ground-texture-sim': 30, 'hello-ssw567': 2, 'k-armed-bandit': 30, 'kylerobots.github.io': 30, 'manual-image-transformation': 30, 'mnist-viewer': 30, 'ssw567-github-api': 1, 'ssw567-triangle-classification': 10, 'ssw567-triangle-qa': 16, 'turtlesim_teleop': 30}