'elephant-driver' is a Ruby library to communicate with Hadoop daemons.
Currently, only communicating with JobTracker is supported. Other daemons (TaskTracker, NameNode, DataNode) are not supported yet.
- thfift
- nokogiri
This library assumes that you're using CDH3 (Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop, version 3).
You first need to install 'hue-plugins' package at the JobTracker node.
$ apt-get install hue-plugins
$ yum install hue-plugins
Then, the following settings need to be included in your mapred-site.xml.
<!-- Enable Hue plugins -->
<description>Comma-separated list of jobtracker plug-ins to be activated.</description>
See spec/ directory for the example usage.
@cln = ElephantDriver::Client.new($HOST, $PORT)
@cln.jobs.each { |j|
j.tasks.each { |t|