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Terraform Modul cloud_init

Terraform module to template cloud-init user data


currently only tested with Ubuntu Focal Fossa and Jammy Jellyfish


There is a terraform-provider cloudinit, which can be used to render cloud-init data.

This module is not completely generic like cloudinit. It supports the installation of features. Some features are simple package installations or downloads of tools. Other features have more functionality.

For instance

  • docker_container can be used to configure services that start docker containers.
  • nginx can be used to configure nginx

If you use docker_container then docker is activated automatically.

There are more sophisticated features like vault_init in vault that automatically installs the needed features for the logic in the runcmd section for vault_init.

Technical aspects

The following cloud-init modules are used

The execution order in cloud-init for these modules is

  • init stage
    • write-files
    • users-group
  • config stage
    • runcmd
  • final stage
    • package-update-upgrade-install

The consequence for the implementation in this module is that tools that are used for configuration are installed by the runcmd module even if there is a package for the tool.



s. B2 Command Line Tool

For input variables: s. b2.


s. certbot

For input variables: s. certbot.


add comments to cloud-init user data

This can be used to change cloud-init user-data to trigger rebuild without changing relevant data.

For input variables: s. comment.


s. containerd

For input variables: s. containerd.


s. croc

For input variables: s. croc.


s. digitalocean

For input variables: s. digitalocean.


s. docker

For input variables: s. docker.


s. docker

For input variables: s. docker_container.


s. duplicacy

For input variables: s. duplicacy.

encrypted packages

For input variables: s. encrypted_packages.


s. fail2ban

For input variables: s. fail2ban.


s. gettext-base

For input variables: s. gettext_base.


s. haproxy

For input variables: s. haproxy.


s. jq

For input variables: s. jq.


s. golang

For input variables: s. golang.


s. gpg

For input variables: s. gpg.


s. hetzner

For input variables: s. hetzner.


s. mailcow

For input variables: s. mailcow.


s. lineinfile

For input variables: s. lineinfile.


s. netcat

For input variables: s. netcat.


for network configurations

This is executed first in the cloud-init runcmd module.

For input variables: s. network.


s. nginx

For input variables: s. nginx.


s. package

For input variables: s. package.


s. rke2

Two different cloud-init userdata can be generated

  • for the 1st node
  • for the other nodes

The certificates for RKE2 are fetched from a package registry and decrypted with openssl and thus have to pre pre-built. The package also has to contain templates for /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml:

  • /root/config.yaml.node_1st.envtpl for the first node
  • /root/config.yaml.node_other.envtpl for the other nodes

The Cloud-init for the 1st node waits for all nodes to become ready and then puts the created rke2.yaml modified (substitute with the ipv4-address of the 1st node) into Hashicorp Vault.

The cert-manager cert-manager.crds.yaml is pre-installed as manifest in the 1st node.

For input variables: s. rke2.


generic gereration of runcmd scripts

For input variables: s. runcmd.


s. S3cmd

For input variables: s. s3cmd.


s. sshd_config

For input variables: s. sshd_config.


s. terraform

For input variables: s. terraform


generic installing of tools

For input variables: s. tool.


s. unzip

For input variables: s. unzip.


s. users

For input variables: s. users.


s. vault

For input variables: s. vault.


s. wait_until

For input variables: s. wait_until.


generic writing of files

For input variables: s. write_file.


s. zypper

For input variables: s. zypper.



Name Version
terraform >= 1.3
external ~> 2.3.1


No providers.


Name Source Version
cloud_init_part ./modules/cloud_init_part n/a
containerd_install_method_binary_needs_containerd_version rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
docker_install_method_binary_needs_docker_version rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
duplicacy_script ./modules/duplicacy_script n/a
duplicacy_storage_backend_one_of rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
either_rke2_node_1st_or_rke2_node_other rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
gzip_needs_base64_encode rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
mailcow_needs_mailcow_hostname rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
not_mailcow_dovecot_master_auto_generated_needs_mailcow_dovecot_master_user_and_mailcow_dovecot_master_password rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
rke2_node_1st_needs_rke2_node_1st_rke2_role_id rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
rke2_node_1st_needs_rke2_node_1st_rke2_secret_id rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
rke2_node_1st_needs_vault_addr rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
rke2_node_needs_encrypted_package_api_header rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
rke2_node_needs_rke2_node_cert_package_url rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
rke2_node_needs_rke2_node_pre_shared_secret rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
rke2_node_needs_rke2_node_rke2_node_cert_package_secret rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
rke2_node_other_needs_rke2_node_other_node_1st_ip rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
terraform_install_method_binary_needs_terraform_version rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
vault_init_needs_jq_install_method_binary rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
vault_init_needs_vault_init_addr rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
vault_init_pgp_public_keys_needs_vault_vault_init_pgp_public_keys_num_internal_unseal_keys_plus_length_of_pgp_external_public_keys_equals_vault_key_shares rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
vault_init_vault_key_threshold_less_than_or_equal_vault_key_shares rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
vault_install_method_binary_needs_vault_version rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
vault_secure_init_json_needs_vault_init_public_key rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
vault_spread_vault_init_json_needs_vault_spread_vault_init_json_id_file rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
vault_start_needs_vault_api_addr rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
vault_tls_file_encoding_either_text_plain_or_base64 rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
vault_vault_init_pgp_public_keys_num_internal_unseal_keys_less_than_or_equal_vault_key_shares rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0
write_files_encoding_either_text_plain_or_base64 rhythmictech/errorcheck/terraform ~> 1.3.0


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
b2 if cloud-init user data for installing the BlackBlaze CLI should be generated bool false no
base64_encode if the cloud-init user data should be base64 encoded bool false no
certbot if cloud-init user data for installing certbot should be generated bool false no
certbot_automatic_renewal_cron the cron schedule expression for certbot renewal string "0 */12 * * *" no
certbot_automatic_renewal_cronjob the cron job for certbot renewal string "test -x /usr/bin/certbot -a \\! -d /run/systemd/system && perl -e 'sleep int(rand(43200))' && certbot -q renew" no
certbot_automatic_renewal_post_hooks the certbot automatic renewal post hook scripts
file_name = string
content = string
[] no
certbot_dns_plugins the list of certbot plugins to be installed list(string) [] no
comment if cloud-init user data with comments should be generated bool false no
comments the comments to be added to cloud-init user data
this can be used to change cloud-init user-data to trigger rebuild without changing relevant data
list(string) [] no
containerd if cloud-init user data for installing containerd should be generated bool false no
containerd_install_method the install method, supported methods are 'binary'
- 'binary' uses containerd_version
string "binary" no
containerd_version the containerd version to be installed string null no
croc if cloud-init user data for installing croc should be generated bool false no
digitalocean if cloud-init user data for making changes on a Digitalocean Droplet should be generated bool false no
digitalocean_restart_journald if the journald should be restarted (fixes missing logs) bool true no
docker if cloud-init user data for installing docker should be generated bool false no
docker_container if cloud-init user data for installing docker containers should be generated bool false no
docker_container_list the docker containers the cloud-init user data should be generated for
name = string, // --name
image = string,
ports = optional(string, null), // --publish
command = string,
environment = optional(map(string), {}),
[] no
docker_install_method the install method, supported methods are 'apt', 'binary'
- 'binary' uses docker_version and activates containerd installation
string "apt" no
docker_manipulate_iptables if docker manipulate ip-tables should not be generated for cloud-init user data for docker bool true no
docker_version the docker version to be installed string null no
duplicacy if cloud-init user data for installing duplicacy should be generated bool false no
duplicacy_configurations the duplicacy configurations
working_directory = string, // the working directory for duplicacy which is the default path for the repository to backup
password = string, // the value for DUPLICACY_PASSWORD, e.g. the passphrase to encrypt the backups with before they are stored remotely
script_file_directory = string, // the path where the scripts for duplicacy init, duplicacy backup, duplicacy restore and duplicacy prune are created

storage_backend = string, // the storage backend, possible values are Local disk, Backblaze B2, SSH/SFTP Password, SSH/SFTP Keyfile, Onedrive
b2_id = optional(string), // the value for DUPLICACY_B2_ID
b2_key = optional(string), // the value for DUPLICACY_B2_KEY
ssh_password = optional(string), // the value for DUPLICACY_SSH_PASSWORD
ssh_passphrase = optional(string), // the value for DUPLICACY_SSH_PASSPHRASE
secret_file_directory = optional(string, "/opt/duplicacy/secret"), // the path where the token and the ssh-key files are created
onedrive_token_file_name = optional(string, "one-token.json"), // the filename for DUPLICACY_ONE_TOKEN
ssh_key_file_name = optional(string, "id"), // the filename for DUPLICACY_SSH_KEY_FILE
secret_file_content = optional(string), // the content for onedrive_token_file_name or ssh_key_file_name
snapshot_id = string, // the <snapshot id> for duplicacy init
storage_url = string, // the <storage url> for duplicacy init, e.g. the Duplicacy URI of where to store the backups
init_script_file_name = optional(string, "init"), // the duplicacy init script file name
backup_script_file_name = optional(string, "backup"), // the duplicacy backup script file name
prune_script_file_name = optional(string, "prune"), // the duplicacy prune script file name
restore_script_file_name = optional(string, "restore"), // the duplicacy restore script file name
init_options = optional(string, "-encrypt"), // the options for duplicacy init
backup_options = optional(string, ""), // the options for duplicacy backup
prune_options = optional(string, "-keep 365:3650 -keep 30:365 -keep 7:30 -keep 1:7 -a"), // the options for duplicacy prune
restore_options = optional(string, "-overwrite"), // the options for duplicacy restore
log_file_directory = optional(string, "/opt/mailcow/duplicacy/log"), // the directory for the script log files
backup_log_file_name = optional(string, "backup.log"), // the file name of the backup log file
prune_log_file_name = optional(string, "prune.log"), // the file name of the prune log file
restore_log_file_name = optional(string, "restore.log"), // the file name of the restore log file
pre_backup_script_file_name = optional(string, "pre-backup"), // the file name of the pre backup script
post_backup_script_file_name = optional(string, "post-backup"), // the file name of the post backup script
pre_prune_script_file_name = optional(string, "pre-prune"), // the file name of the pre prune script
post_prune_script_file_name = optional(string, "post-prune"), // the file name of the post prune script
pre_restore_script_file_name = optional(string, "pre-restore"), // the file name of the pre restore script
post_restore_script_file_name = optional(string, "post-restore"), // the file name of the post restore script
pre_backup_script_file_content = optional(string, null), // the content for the pre backup script
post_backup_script_file_content = optional(string, null), // the content for the pre backup script
pre_prune_script_file_content = optional(string, null), // the content for the pre prune script
post_prune_script_file_content = optional(string, null), // the content for the pre prune script
pre_restore_script_file_content = optional(string, null), // the content for the pre restore script
post_restore_script_file_content = optional(string, null), // the content for the pre restore script
[] no
duplicacy_path the path to install duplicacy string "/opt/duplicacy" no
duplicacy_version the duplicacy version to install string "3.1.0" no
encrypted_packages if cloud-init user data for the encrypted packages should be generated bool false no
encrypted_packages_list the encrypted packages the cloud-init user data should be generated for
url = string // the url to get the package from
api_header = string // the header to authorize getting the package
secret = string // the secret to decrypt the package (openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2)"
post_cmd = optional(string, null) // the command to be executed after the installing the package
name = optional(string, "encrypted_package") // the name of the encrypted package
[] no
fail2ban if cloud-init user data for installing fail2ban should be generated bool false no
fail2ban_recidive if recidive jail install should be generated bool true no
fail2ban_sshd if sshd jail install should be generated bool true no
gettext_base if cloud-init user data for installing gettext-base should be generated bool false no
golang if cloud-init user data for installing golang should be generated bool false no
golang_tools the golang tools to be installed used as parameter for go install list(string) [] no
gpg if cloud-init user data for installing gpg should be generated bool false no
gzip if the cloud-init user data should be packed with gzip bool false no
haproxy if cloud-init user data for installing haproxy should be generated bool false no
haproxy_configuration the configuration for haproxy
the string '$ipv4_public_address' can be used as placeholder for the public ipv4-address of the server
(ip route get | grep | cut -d ' ' -f 7)
global = optional(
configuration = string,
configuration = <<EOT
log /dev/log local0
log /dev/log local1 notice
chroot /var/lib/haproxy
stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin expose-fd listeners
stats timeout 30s
user haproxy
group haproxy

# Default SSL material locations
ca-base /etc/ssl/certs
crt-base /etc/ssl/private

# See:
ssl-default-bind-ciphersuites TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
ssl-default-bind-options ssl-min-ver TLSv1.2 no-tls-tickets
global_additional = optional(
configuration = optional(string)
frontend = optional(
label = string,
configuration = string,
backend = optional(
label = string,
configuration = string,
defaults = optional(
configuration = string,
configuration = <<EOT
log global
mode http
option httplog
option dontlognull
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 50000
timeout server 50000
errorfile 400 /etc/haproxy/errors/400.http
errorfile 403 /etc/haproxy/errors/403.http
errorfile 408 /etc/haproxy/errors/408.http
errorfile 500 /etc/haproxy/errors/500.http
errorfile 502 /etc/haproxy/errors/502.http
errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/503.http
errorfile 504 /etc/haproxy/errors/504.http
listen = optional(
label = string,
configuration = string,
aggregations = optional(
label = string,
configuration = string,
cache = optional(
label = string,
configuration = string,
dynamic-update = optional(list(string), []),
fcgi-app = optional(
label = string,
configuration = string,
http-errors = optional(
label = string,
configuration = string,
mailers = optional(
label = string,
configuration = string,
peers = optional(
label = string,
configuration = string,
program = optional(
label = string,
configuration = string,
resolvers = optional(
label = string,
configuration = string,
ring = optional(
label = string,
configuration = string,
userlist = optional(
label = string,
configuration = string,
null no
hetzner if cloud-init user data for making changes on a Hetzner Cloud Server should be generated bool false no
hetzner_remove_fqdn_resolve if the FQDN should be removed from the entry ... in /etc/hosts bool true no
ip_addresses the list of ip address suffixes and the commands to compute them (s. variable ip4_address_command)
ip_address_suffix = string
computation_command = string
[] no
ipv4_address_command the command to determin the ipv4 address, other possible ways are
- ip route get | grep | sed -E 's/.src (\S) .*/\1/'
- ip addr show | grep 'inet ' | grep 'scope global' | cut -d ' ' -f6 | cut -d '/' -f 1 | head -n 1
- curl
string `"ip addr show grep 'inet '
jq if cloud-init user data for installing jq should be generated bool false no
jq_install_method the install method, supported methods are 'binary', 'packages'
- 'binary' uses jq_version
- 'packages' implies that jq can not be used for configuring inside cloud-init
string "binary" no
jq_version the jq version to be installed string "1.6" no
lineinfile if cloud-init user data for installing lineinfile should be generated bool false no
lnxrouter if cloud-init user data for installing lnxrouter should be generated bool false no
lnxrouter_arguments - ip_address: specifies the interface ($interface in arguments)
- arguments: specifies the command line arguments to start lnxrouter with, $interface will be substituted by the name of the interface bound to the ip_address (`ifconfig
grep --before-context=1 grep --only-matching "^\w*"`)
ip_address = optional(string, null)
arguments = string
lnxrouter_start if lnxrouter should be started bool false no
mailcow if cloud-init user data for installing mailcow should be generated bool false no
mailcow_acme the way the Let's Encrypt certificate ist obtained:
out-the-box: The "acme-mailcow" container will try to obtain a LE certificate.
certbot: The certbot cronjob will manage Let's Encrypt certificates
if the Let's Encrypt certificate is obtained out-of-the-box
string "out-of-the-box" no
mailcow_acme_staging if ACME staging should be used (s. bool false no
mailcow_additional_san the additional domains (SSL Certificate Subject Alternative Names), for instance autodiscover.,autoconfig. string null no
mailcow_admin_password the password for the mailcow administrator string null no
mailcow_admin_user the username of the mailcow administrator string null no
mailcow_allow_admin_email_login allows admins and domain admins to directly log into SOGo as a mailbox user, without knowing the users password bool false no
mailcow_api_allow_from list of IPs to allow API access from list(string) [] no
mailcow_api_key the API key for mailcow read-write access (allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -) string null no
mailcow_api_key_read_only the API key for mailcow read-only access (allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -) string null no
mailcow_backup_path the path for the mailcow backup string "/var/backups/mailcow" no
mailcow_backup_script the full path for the mailcow backup script string "/opt/mailcow/scripts/" no
mailcow_branch the branch value for mailcow (MAILCOW_BRANCH) string "master" no
mailcow_certbot_post_hook_script the full path for the mailcow certbot post-hook script string "/etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post/" no
mailcow_configure_backup if backup for mailcow should be configured for unattended backup bool false no
mailcow_delete_default_admin_script the full path for the mailcow delete admin script string "/root/" no
mailcow_docker_compose_project_name the name for the mailcow docker compose project string null no
mailcow_dovecot_master_auto_generated if the dovecot master user and password should be auto-generated bool true no
mailcow_dovecot_master_password the password for the dovecot master user (DOVECOT_MASTER_PASS) if not auto-generated string null no
mailcow_dovecot_master_user the username of the dovecot master user (DOVECOT_MASTER_USER) if not auto-generated string null no
mailcow_greylisting if greylisting should be active bool true no
mailcow_hostname the host name for mailcow string null no
mailcow_install_path the install path for mailcow string "/opt/mailcow-dockerized" no
mailcow_mynetworks the list of subnetwork masks to add to mynetworks in postfix
if subnetwork masks are provided at the beginning [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128 [fe80::]/10 is added (local)
list(string) [] no
mailcow_restore_script the full path for the mailcow restore script string "/opt/mailcow/scripts/" no
mailcow_rspamd_ip_whitelist the list of ip adresses to be added to rspamd list(string) [] no
mailcow_rspamd_ui_password the password for the mailcow Rspamd UI string null no
mailcow_set_admin_script the full path for the mailcow set admin script string "/root/" no
mailcow_set_rspamd_ui_password_script the full path for the mailcow set Rspamd UI password script string "/root/" no
mailcow_submission_port the postfix submission port (SUBMISSION_PORT in mailcow.conf) number null no
mailcow_timezone the time zone value for mailcow (MAILCOW_TZ) string "Europe/Berlin" no
mailcow_version the version to checkout
default is mailcow_branch (coded in terraform)
string null no
netcat if cloud-init user data for installing netcat should be generated bool false no
network if the network should be configured bool false no
network_dispatcher_script_path the path where network dispatcher scripts should placed string "/etc/network-dispatcher" no
network_dispatcher_scripts the network dispatcher scripts to be placed at network_dispatcher_script_path and executed
the string '$public_interface' can be used as placeholder for the device for internet access
(ip route get | grep | cut -d ' ' -f 5)
script_file_name = string,
script_file_content = string,
[] no
network_resolved_conf_path the path where network resolved configurations should placed string "/etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/" no
network_resolved_confs the resolved configuration files to be placed at network_resolved_conf_path
the service systemd-resolved is restarted
conf_file_name = string,
conf_file_content = string
[] no
nginx if cloud-init user data for installing nginx should be generated bool false no
nginx_configuration_home the nginx configuration home string "/etc/nginx" no
nginx_confs the extra configurations for nginx
port = number // the port for listen
server_name = string // the server_name for server_name
fqdn = string // the FQDN used for include Let's Encrypt certificates: /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ nginx_conf.FQDN }}/...
conf = string // the configuration to be included in the sever stanza
[] no
nginx_gnu if the GNU Terry Pratchett header should be inserted bool true no
nginx_https_conf the nginx https configuration after server_name string null no
nginx_https_map the map stanza configuration for nginx https configuration string null no
nginx_server_fqdn the FQDN of the server for nginx server_name and Let's Encrypt certificates string null no
package if cloud-init user data for package should be generated bool true no
package_reboot_if_required if cloud-init user data for package_reboot_if_required should be generated bool false no
package_update if cloud-init user data for package_update should be generated bool true no
package_upgrade if cloud-init user data for package_upgrade should be generated bool true no
packages the list of packages to be installed list(string) [] no
python3_pip if cloud-init user data for installing python3-pip should be generated bool false no
python3_pip_modules the python modules to be installed list(string) [] no
rke2 if cloud-init user data for the rke2 should be generated bool false no
rke2_node_1st if cloud-init user data for the rke2 1st node should be generated bool false no
rke2_node_1st_cert_manager_crd_version the version of cert-manager CRDs to be installed string "1.11.0" no
rke2_node_1st_rke2_role_id the role id for the app role in vault to login and get the token to put the rke2.yaml as kv into vault string null no
rke2_node_1st_rke2_secret_id the role id for the app role in vault to login and get the token to put the rke2.yaml as kv into vault string null no
rke2_node_1st_vault_addr the vault address to put the rke2.yml as kv into string null no
rke2_node_1st_vault_field the vault field used to put the rke2.yaml as kv into vault string "rke2_yaml" no
rke2_node_1st_vault_mount the vault mount used to put the rke2.yaml as kv into vault string "gitlab" no
rke2_node_1st_vault_path the vault path used to put the rke2.yaml as kv into vault string "rancher/kubeconfig" no
rke2_node_cert_package_api_header the header to authorize getting the cert-package string null no
rke2_node_cert_package_secret the secret to decrypt the cert package (openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2) string null no
rke2_node_cert_package_url the url to get the cert-package from string null no
rke2_node_config_addendum the addendum to the rke2 config after the lines 'token: ...' and optional 'server: ...' string "cni: cilium" no
rke2_node_other if cloud-init user data for the rke2 other nodes should be generated bool false no
rke2_node_other_node_1st_ip the ip of the 1st node for cloud-init user data for rke2 other nodes string null no
rke2_node_pre_shared_secret the pre shared secret for /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml string null no
runcmd if runcmd scripts should be configured bool false no
runcmd_done_file the file created when runcmd is done string "/root/cloud_init_runcmd_done" no
runcmd_scripts the runcmd scripts to be executed list(string) [] no
s3cmd if cloud-init user data for installing the S3cmd should be generated bool false no
sshd_config if cloud-init user data for managing sshd config should be generated bool false no
sshd_config_passwordauthentication value for PasswordAuthentication in /etc/sshd_config bool false no
sshd_config_remove_authorized_keys if the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys should be deleted bool false no
sshd_config_trusted_user_ca_keys content of /etc/ssh/trusted-user-ca-keys.pem as value for TrustedUserCAKeys string null no
terraform if cloud-init user data for installing terraform should be generated bool false no
terraform_install_method the install method, supported methods are 'apt', 'binary'
- 'binary' uses terraform_version
string "apt" no
terraform_version the terraform version to be installed string null no
tool if cloud-init user data for installing tools should be generated bool false no
tools the list of tools that should be installed
name = string,
url = string,
dest_path = optional(string, "/usr/local/bin"),
[] no
unzip if cloud-init user data for installing unzip should be generated bool false no
unzip_install_method the install method, supported methods are 'apt', 'zypper' string "apt" no
user if cloud-init user data for users should be generated bool true no
users the list of user configurations
name = string,
groups = optional(string, null),
sudo = optional(string, null),
ssh_authorized_keys = optional(list(string), []),
passwd = optional(string, null),
lock_passwd = optional(bool, true),
[] no
vault if cloud-init user data for installing vault should be generated bool false no
vault_addr the vault address (can be used as default for other features) string null no
vault_api_addr the api_addr:

Specifies the address (full URL) to advertise to other Vault servers in the cluster for client redirection.
This value is also used for plugin backends.
This can also be provided via the environment variable VAULT_API_ADDR.
In general this should be set as a full URL that points to the value of the listener address.

the string '$ipv4_address' can be used as placeholder for the server ipv4-address
string null no
vault_bootstrap_files_path the path where the files needed for bootstrapping are saved string "/root" no
vault_chown_files the list of files to be changed to ownership vault:vault (before starting vault) list(string) [] no
vault_cluster_addr the cluster_addr

Specifies the address to advertise to other Vault servers in the cluster for request forwarding.
This is a full URL, like api_addr, but Vault will ignore the scheme (all cluster members always use TLS with a private key/certificate).

the string '$ipv4_address' can be used as placeholder for the server ipv4-address (determined by variable ipv4_address_command)
string null no
vault_config_path the path for the vault configuration files string "/etc/vault.d" no
vault_disable_mlock the value for disable_mlock bool true no
vault_helper_cmd_http_address the vault address (http) for the helper cmds
(if null the helper cmds are not installed)
string null no
vault_home_path the home of the vault specific files and folders string "/srv/vault" no
vault_init if vault should be initialized bool true no
vault_init_json_file_mode the file mode for the vault init json result files string "640" no
vault_init_pgp_public_keys the definition of the usage of pgp keys for vault init
note: the number of pgp_external_public_keys plus num_internal_unseal_keys has to match vault_key_shares
num_internal_unseal_keys = optional(number, 1),
pgp_external_public_keys = optional(list(object({
content = string,
encoding = optional(string, "text/plain"),
owner = optional(string, "root")
group = optional(string, "root")
mode = optional(string, "640")
})), [])
null no
vault_init_public_key the public RSA key the output of the vault initialization is encoded with (to be decryptable by the corresponding private key with rsadecrypt string null no
vault_install_method the install method, supported methods are 'apt', 'binary'
- 'binary' uses vault_version
string "apt" no
vault_key_shares the number of key shares number 1 no
vault_key_threshold the number of key shares required to reconstruct the root key (s. number 1 no
vault_listeners the list of listeners
the default for each (coded in terraform)
- tls_cert_file is vault_tls_cert_file
- tls_key_file is vault_tls_key_file
- tls_client_ca_file vault_tls_client_ca_file
the string '$ipv4_address' can be used as placeholder for the server ipv4-address in address and cluster_adrress
address = string,
cluster_address = optional(string, null),
tls_disable = optional(bool, true),
tls_cert_file = optional(string, null),
tls_key_file = optional(string, null),
tls_client_ca_file = optional(string, null),
[] no
vault_local_addr the vault address used for vault init, vault operator init, vault operator unseal and vault token revoke during cloud init string null no
vault_log_level the vault log level string "info" no
vault_raft_leader_tls_servername the leader_tls_servername string null no
vault_raft_retry_autojoin the auto_join values for retry_join
- auto_join
- auto_join_scheme
- auto_join_port
- computation_command_template: template to compute the node ip matching the ip of another node
discover has to be installed for vault_spread_vault_init_json
auto_join = string,
auto_join_scheme = optional(string, null),
auto_join_port = optional(number, null),
ip_computation_command_template = optional(string, "ip route get $ip
grep $ip sed -E 's/.src (\S) .*/\1/'"),
vault_receive_vault_init_json if the vault init json result should be received from spreading bool false no
vault_remove_spread_vault_init_json_id_file if the ssh id file used for spreading the vault init json result to the cluster should be removed after used bool true no
vault_remove_vault_init_json if the output of the vault initialization should removed
<span style="color:red">ATTENTION: The output of the vault initialization is highly confidential! It is the root of the secret management in vault!"
bool true no
vault_revoke_root_token if the initial root token should be revoked bool true no
vault_secure_init_json if the output of the vault initialization should secured
<span style="color:red">ATTENTION: The output of the vault initialization is highly confidential! It is the root of the secret management in vault!"
bool true no
vault_spread_vault_init_json if the vault init json result should be spread to the cluster bool false no
vault_spread_vault_init_json_id_file the ssh id file used for spreading the vault init json result to the cluster string null no
vault_start if vault should be started bool false no
vault_storage_raft_cluster_member_this the actual instance to be excluded for the retry_join-stanzas string null no
vault_storage_raft_cluster_members the list of cluster members for the retry_join-stanzas list(string) [] no
vault_storage_raft_node_id the node_id value for storage "raft" string null no
vault_storage_raft_path the path value for storage "raft" string "/srv/vault/file/raft" no
vault_storage_raft_retry_join_api_port the port number for the leader_api_addr in the retry_join-stanzas number 8200 no
vault_tls_cert_file the path of the certificate for TLS (tls_cert_file
default is vault_storage_raft_leader_client_cert_file (coded in terraform)
string null no
vault_tls_client_ca_file the tls_client_ca_file
default is vault_storage_raft_leader_ca_cert_file (coded in terraform)
string null no
vault_tls_contents the vault tls file contents
tls_file has to be one of
- cert
- key
- client_ca
- storage_raft_leader_ca_cert
- storage_raft_leader_client_cert
- storage_raft_leader_client_key
and the corresponding terraform variable is used as file_name
- encoding of the content can be 'text/plain' (default) or 'base64'
tls_file = optional(string, null),
content = string,
encoding = optional(string, "text/plain")
owner = optional(string, "vault")
group = optional(string, "vault")
mode = optional(string, "640")
[] no
vault_tls_files DEPRECATED: use vault_tls_contents instead
the vault tls files
filename can contain the placeholders
- $vault_tls_cert_file
- $vault_tls_key_file
- $vault_tls_client_ca_file
which are replace by the corresponding terraform variables
- encoding of the content can be 'text/plain' (default) or 'base64'
file_name = string,
content = string,
encoding = optional(string, "text/plain")
owner = optional(string, "vault")
group = optional(string, "vault")
mode = optional(string, "640")
[] no
vault_tls_key_file the path of the private key for the certificate for TLS (tls_key_file)
default is vault_storage_raft_leader_client_key_file (coded in terraform)
string null no
vault_tls_storage_raft_leader_ca_cert_file the leader_ca_cert_file
default is vault_home_path/tls/client_ca.pem (coded in terraform)
string null no
vault_tls_storage_raft_leader_client_cert_file the leader_client_cert_file
default is vault_home_path/tls/cert.pem (coded in terraform)
string null no
vault_tls_storage_raft_leader_client_key_file the leader_client_key_file
default is vault_home_path/tls/key.pem (coded in terraform)
string null no
vault_ui if the vault user interface should be activated bool false no
vault_unseal if vault should be unsealed bool false no
vault_version the vault version to be installed string null no
vault_zipped_binary_url the download url for vault install method 'binary'
- ${vault_version} is replaced by the value for vault_version
- the download has to be a zip file containing the vault binary
string "${vault_version}/vault_${vault_version}" no
wait_until if cloud-init user data for installing wait_until should be generated bool false no
write_file if files should be written bool false no
write_files the files to be written
- encoding of the content can be 'text/plain' (default) or 'base64'
file_name = string,
content = string,
encoding = optional(string, "text/plain"),
owner = optional(string, "root"),
group = optional(string, "root"),
mode = optional(string, "644"),
[] no
zypper if cloud-init user data for adding zypper repositories should be generated bool false no
zypper_repositories the zypper repositories that should be added
uri = string,
alias = string,
"alias": "opensuse-oss-leap-15.5",
"uri": ""


Name Description
cloud_init the cloud-init user data
ipv4_address_command the command to determine the ipv4 address
runcmd_done_file the file created when runcmd is done
vault the relevant results from vault install and init


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