A lidar tool made by us using Touchdesigner C++ CHOP, which can support HOKUYO, SLAMTEC and EAI.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V0cCm96xZU&t=9s
Activation component must be networked!
- Open "Trial mode", "Trial code" input box will be activated
- Enter "FIFTH-CHAT" in the "Trial code" input box
- Click "Activate"
- Click "Uncooked UI Panel" (This button is to control Cooking flag of UI Comp)
- Click "Open UI Panel" to open control ui
By default, the parameter setting bar is hidden, click the icon in the upper left corner to open.
The four vertices in the determined range are also locked and not displayed. Click to Unlock to display.
If you got "Erroe code: E0004 / Error info: Timestamp verification failed.", go into Windows Date/Time settings and just hit "Synch" and then.
The first time you open the radar settings panel, an error will be reported, because you have not loaded the DLL, you need to click the icon in the upper left corner to open the parameter settings panel, and select the path of the DLL.
LidarTracker not support macOS
Touchdesigner 2020.24520、2020.23680、2020.22080
There may be some problems with the old version of Touchdesigner. We recommend using the latest TD version to avoid unknown errors.
The deadline for this trial test is August 10, 2020, during which LidarTracker components will be used in trial mode.
If you find some bug, please contact us:[email protected]