1、View -> Item -> Data
Each view has an item model, And each item has a data for bussiness.
QXTableView -> QXTableVieItem ( has no data ) QXTableViewCell -> QXTableViewCellItem -> data QXTableViewHeaderView -> QXTableViewHeaderItem -> data
QXTableViewFooterView -> QXTableViewFooterItem -> data
Setting Item to View cause an update to View
Setting Data to item cause an update to Item & View
There are four kinds of table view for use:
【QXMutiHeightTableView】 Normal, use height in item
【QXEstimatedHeightTableView】 EstimatedHeight, use estimatedHeight in item
【QXStaticEstimatedHeightTableView】FixEstimatedHeight, ignore estimatedHeight and height in item
【QXStaticHeightTableView】 FixHeight, ignore estimatedHeight and height in item
Create table view
lazy var tableView: QXStaticEstimatedHeightTableView<String, String, Any> = {
let one = QXStaticEstimatedHeightTableView<String, String, Any>(style: .plain)
return one
Create table view item
var items = [QXTableViewCellItem<Any>]()
for person in persons {
let item = QXTableViewCellItem<Any>(data: person, cellClass: PersonCell.self)
let headerText = "Header: 0"
let header = QXTableViewHeaderItem<String>(data: headerText, viewClass: HeaderView.self)
let footerText = "Footer: 0" + RadomiseText(100)
let footer = QXTableViewFooterItem<String>(data: footerText, viewClass: FooterView.self)
let sectionItem = QXTableViewSectionItem<String, String, Any>(header: header, footer: footer, items: items)
let tableViewItem = QXTableViewItem<String, String, Any>(sectionItems: [sectionItem])
// update table view
tableView.item = tableViewItem
// update cell
cellItem.data = newPerson
Model & Cell
class PersonCell: QXTableViewCell<Person> {
override func update(item: QXTableViewCellItem<Person>) {
super.update(item: item)
let person = item.data
// to update the cell
class PersonCell: QXTableViewCell<Any> {
override func update(item: QXTableViewCellItem<Any>) {
super.update(item: item)
if let person = item.data as? Person {
// to update the cell
To contain muti type cells, a QXTableViewCellItem must has the Any type of data (QXTableViewCellItem<Any>), So is the QXTableViewCell