This application provides an api for administering users on an Engines instance.
System API calls this service using 'splat' routes at '/v0/system/uadmin/*' for get/post/put/delete. System then relays params[:splat] + params[:api_vars] to uadmin and returns response. Example: Admin GUI calls POST '/v0/system/uadmin/users/accounts/lachlan/groups/' { api_vars: { group: { name: "ftp" } } } and system calls uadmin with POST '/v0/users/accounts/lachlan/groups/' { group: { name: "ftp" } }.
Sinatra (module style, with
Needs LDAP. Expects hostname to be 'ldap'.
No DB. No Volumes.
bundle exec rspec test.rb
Read docs sensible-browser ./doc/top-level-namespace.html
Generate docs yardoc v0/* --plugin yard-sinatra
Set credentials for the sysadmin user: ENV["ldap_dn"] ENV["ldap_password"]