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Repository for the next iteration of composite service (e.g. Ingress) and load balancing APIs.
🐳 Dockerfiles to provide HTML5 VNC interface to access Ubuntu Desktop + ROS 2
C++ cache with LRU/LFU/FIFO policies implementation
An UNOFFICIAL cross-platform KakaoTalk client written in TypeScript & Rust (SolidJS, tauri)
A ROS package for 2D obstacle detection based on laser range data.
A C++ API for Kafka clients (i.e. KafkaProducer, KafkaConsumer, AdminClient)
Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
A curated list of awesome resources, tutorials and tools for cloud robotics.
Provides ROS integration for Cartographer.
Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
Documentation of Fast RTPS (MarkDown Files). Looking for commercial support? Contact [email protected]
ROS-Industrial Training Material
ladianchad / launch
Forked from ros2/launchTools for launching multiple processes and for writing tests involving multiple processes.
Experimental navigation techniques for ROS robots.
ladianchad / rcl
Forked from ros2/rclLibrary to support implementation of language specific ROS Client Libraries.
Library to support implementation of language specific ROS Client Libraries.
ROS wrapper for openni 2.0
ladianchad / navigation2
Forked from ros-navigation/navigation2ROS2 Navigation Framework and System