So I did not get this project completed to my satisfaction, but I did promise to finish by today, so I am bookmarking it here. I will continue working on it on my own, so I learn all the things I need for a basic understanding. My problem is not the coding per se, but the Lambda interface to AWS - getting everything permissioned and exposed to the user to run.
That said, I did learn about AWS and a lot of this I didn't previously know
- creating an AWS account
- getting an account ID and secret
- setting up the credentials file locally
- creating users
- groups
- permissioning all the things!!! <--- this was a toughie
- roles
- using the CLI for AWS and SAM
- creating a project from the commandline
- setting up my AWS Gateway
- creating the Lambdas with and without triggers
- s3 buckets
- ... many more things
You'll see in the code that my idea is to take in the "driver" file from s3 bucket as a list of strings. Basically, my thought was to have one string per line, but they would be numbers that I could convert in the project and run through each lambda function one after another or individually. I have a function for each mean, mode, median and the calculations are proved out in the spock table tests specification file.
Sorry, I have to leave this for now - I have other commitments, but I am glad I took the time to learn this much. I will continue working on this or my own edification - so thanks for giving me an objective and a time cutoff.