Shadowrocket-ADBlock-Rules Public
Forked from h2y/Shadowrocket-ADBlock-Rules提供多款 Shadowrocket 规则,带广告过滤功能。用于 iOS 未越狱设备选择性地自动翻墙。
weui-wxss Public
Forked from Tencent/weui-wxssA UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules.
vscode-requirejs Public
Forked from anacierdem/vscode-requirejsProvides goto definition functionality for require js modules.
Fuck-XueXiQiangGuo Public
Forked from fuck-xuexiqiangguo/Fuck-XueXiQiangGuo学习强国 懒人刷分工具 自动学习
iview-admin Public
Forked from iview/iview-adminVue 2.0 admin management system template based on iView
react-styleguidist Public
Forked from styleguidist/react-styleguidistIsolated React component development environment with a living style guide
jquery-i18next Public
Forked from i18next/jquery-i18nexti18next plugin for jquery usage
ant-design Public
Forked from ant-design/ant-design🐜 A UI Design Language
handlebars-loader Public
Forked from pcardune/handlebars-loaderA handlebars template loader for webpack
jquery.serializeJSON Public
Forked from marioizquierdo/jquery.serializeJSONSerialize an HTML Form to a JavaScript Object, supporting nested attributes and arrays.
Respond Public
Forked from scottjehl/RespondA fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more)
background-size-polyfill Public
Forked from louisremi/background-size-polyfillAdds support for background-size "cover" and "contain" to IE8