###The python implementation of kmeans cluster algorithm
####Only for iris dataset or dataset with the same pattern , if you want to use other dataset , please modify the function "load_file"
run: python kmeans.py
The results: STEP: 1, TOTAL_DISTANCE: 126.8782, DESCREASE: 126.8782 STEP: 2, TOTAL_DISTANCE: 99.1195, DESCREASE: 27.7587 STEP: 3, TOTAL_DISTANCE: 97.5304, DESCREASE: 1.5891 STEP: 4, TOTAL_DISTANCE: 97.3272, DESCREASE: 0.2032 STEP: 5, TOTAL_DISTANCE: 97.2464, DESCREASE: 0.0808 STEP: 6, TOTAL_DISTANCE: 97.1901, DESCREASE: 0.0563 STEP: 7, TOTAL_DISTANCE: 97.3462, DESCREASE: -0.1561 CLUSTER: 25 ALLNUM: 50 CORRECT: 50 PRECISION: 1.0000 LABEL: Iris-setosa CLUSTER: 66 ALLNUM: 61 CORRECT: 47 PRECISION: 0.7705 LABEL: Iris-versicolor CLUSTER: 76 ALLNUM: 39 CORRECT: 36 PRECISION: 0.9231 LABEL: Iris-virginica ALLNUM: 150 CORRECT: 133 PRECISION: 0.8867