This repository contains two projects. The first project is the backend part, which is written in the c# programming language. The backend part consists of a plugin for Revit with a wpf window, to which webview2 connects. The frontend part is a project on the angular framework.
- Clone
- Open the "WebView2Example-Front" project
- In the terminal set the dependencies with the command "npm install"
- Run the command "start" in package.json
- Check http://localhost:1234
- Open an empty project in Revit.
- Open the "WebView2Example-Backend" project
- Change the paths in the "build events" (project properties).
- Check WebView2Loader from packages\Microsoft.Web.WebView2.1.0.1185.39\runtimes\win-x64\native.This depends on the version of your operating system. It needs for button on RevitRibbon. If you use Add Inn Manager go to the next step.
- Build the project (addin and dll file are copied to the addins folder).
- Click the button on the Revit panel "WebView2Example" (or TO USE ADD IN MANAGER ) .
- Drag and drop rectangles in the window of the revit plugin