A decentralized petition app empowers users to create, sign, and share petitions securely on the blockchain. Revolutionizing advocacy, we democratize the petitioning process for global impact and social change. Join us in amplifying voices and shaping tomorrow, one signature at a time.
install my project with npm
get into backend folder
cd backend
install all dependencies for backend
npm install
run the script to deploy the contract
npx hardhat run ./scripts/deploy.js --network sepolia
copy the address from the terminal and paste it in the constants folder located in frontend directory.
get back to root directory
cd ..
now, get into frontend folder
cd frontend/frontendreact
install all dependencies for frontend
npm install
now run the frontend on locolahost:3000
npm run start
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
- get it from your metamask wallet.
- get it from alechmy website create new app and change the network to sepolia.