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Californium (Cf) - CoAP for Java

Eclipse Californium is a Java implementation of RFC7252 - Constrained Application Protocol for IoT Cloud services. Thus, the focus is on scalability and usability instead of resource-efficiency like for embedded devices. Yet Californium is also suitable for embedded JVMs.

More information can be found at and

Like to help improving Californium? Then consider to contribute.

Build using Maven

You need to have a working maven installation to build Californium. Then simply run the following from the project's root directory:

$ mvn clean install

Executable JARs of the examples with all dependencies can be found in the demo-apps/run folder.

The build-process in branch main is tested for jdk8, jdk 11, jdk 17 and jdk 21.

To generate the javadocs, add "-DcreateJavadoc=true" to the command line and set the JAVA_HOME.

$ mvn clean install -DcreateJavadoc=true
$ mvn clean install -DuseToolchainJavadoc=true

Build with EdDSA support

To support EdDSA requires java 17 (or newer). Earlier versions of Californium also supported to use ed25519-java at runtime, but that library seems to be not maintained for long and therefore the support in Californium has been removed.

Run unit tests using Bouncy Castle as alternative JCE provider

With 3.0 a first, experimental support for using Bouncy Castle (starting with version 1.69, bcprov-jdk15on, bcpkix-jdk15on, and, for tls, bctls-jdk15on) is implemented. Version 4.0 bc version 1.78.1 gets supported.

To demonstrate the basic functions, run the unit-tests using the profile bc-tests

$ mvn clean install -Pbc-tests

Supporting Bouncy Castle for the unit test uncovers a couple of differences, which required to adapt the implementation. It is assumed, that more will be found and more adaption will be required. If you find some, don't hesitate to report issues, perhaps research and analysis, and fixes. On the other hand, the project Californium will for now not be able to provide support for Bouncy Castle questions with or without relation to Californium. You may create issues, but it may be not possible for us to answer them.

On issue seems to be the SecureRandom generator of BC. Dependent on the runtime environment, that is based on SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong(), which has blocking behaviour by default. If the platform your application runs on, has not enough entropy to start the SecureRandom, BC waits until that gets available. In common cases, that starts quite fast, but in some cases, that takes up to 60s (and more).

One option to overcome that on some linux variants is using rng-tools. That may help to provide more entropy.

A second option o overcome that is to setup CALIFORNIUM_JCE_PROVIDER using the value BC_NON_BLOCKING_RANDOM instead of BC. The JceProviderUtil then adapts SecureRandom to use a, maybe weaker, non-blocking SecureRandom. If that works, depends unfortunately on your platform, so especially for Android, that may not work. In that cases, please use BC as CALIFORNIUM_JCE_PROVIDER and configure "securerandom.strongAlgorithms" ahead with

Security.setProperty("securerandom.strongAlgorithms", "<your-android-algorithm>");

according your android variant. That may require some analysis by you.

With that, it gets very time consuming to test all combinations. Therefore, if you need a specific one, please test it on your own. If you consider, that some adaption is required, let us know by creating an issue or PR.

Using Californium in Maven Projects

We are publishing Californium's artifacts for milestones and releases to Maven Central. To use the latest released version as a library in your projects, add the following dependency to your pom.xml (without the dots ...):




Note: the API of milestone release 4.0.0-M2 isn't stable yet.

Current Builds

You can also be bold and try out the most recent build from main. However, we are not publishing those to Maven Central but to Californium's project repository at Eclipse only. You will therefore need to add the Eclipse Repository to your pom.xml first:

      <name>Californium Repository</name>

You can then simply depend on 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT.


The project can be easily imported into a recent version of the Eclipse IDE. Make sure to have the following before importing the Californium (Cf) projects:

Then choose [Import... » Maven » Existing Maven Projects] to import californium - parent together with all sub-modules into Eclipse.


The project can also be imported to IntelliJ as follows:

In IntelliJ, choose [File.. » Open] then select the location of the cloned repository in your filesystem. IntelliJ will then automatically import all projects and resolve required Maven dependencies.

Interop Server

A test server is running at coap://

It is an instance of the cf-plugtest-server from the demo-apps. The root resource responds with its current version.

For a preview to the Return Routability Check for DTLS 1.2 and DTLS 1.3 experimental support, please read feature/rrc - branch.

Please note: The server is intended to test the interoperability of CoAP and DTLS 1.2. Data sent to that server is typically "Hello world". The data is public visible to all other users and is removed on any restart. Please don't send data, which requires "data privacy", the sandbox server is not intended for such usage.

More information can be found at and technical details at

Another interop server with a different implementation can be found at coap:// More information can be found at

Interop Server - (D)TLS Support

The server uses the x509 Demo Certificates, which are usually recreated and replaced once a year. And the PSK credentials:

Identity Secret Remark
"Client_identity" "secretPSK" openssl defaults
"password" "sesame" ETSI Plugtest test spec
Regex "cali\..*" ".fornium" Wildcard Identity for plugtest
Regex "^[^@]{8,}@.{8,}$" "secret" Wildcard Identity for hono-identites

Note: TLS supports only the x509 Demo Certificates. To enable a client to use x509, please add the below CA certificate to it's trusts.

Bag Attributes
    friendlyName: C=CA,L=Ottawa,O=Eclipse IoT,OU=Californium,CN=cf-ca
subject=CN = cf-ca, OU = Californium, O = Eclipse IoT, L = Ottawa, C = CA

issuer=CN = cf-root, OU = Californium, O = Eclipse IoT, L = Ottawa, C = CA


Interop Server - OSCORE Support

The server has a resource only accessible using OSCORE under "/oscore". It is configured with the following security material (client side):

Master Secret: 0x0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10 (16 bytes)
Master Salt:   0x9e7ca92223786340 (8 bytes)
Sender ID:     0x01 (1 byte)
Recipient ID:  0x02 (1 byte)
ID Context:    0x37cbf3210017a2d3 (8 bytes)
(See up to date parameters in "/oscoreInfo" resource)

Note that the server supports running the Appendix B.2 context rederivation procedure. This is necessary as requests from new clients would otherwise be considered replays (as the server's replay window is filled up from earlier clients). To access this resource without using the Appendix B.2 procedure, an appropriate Sender Sequence Number to use and the current ID Context can be retrieved from the resource "/oscoreInfo" using plain CoAP.

Currently Californium's OSCORE supports the following algorithms:

OSCORE Encryption:

  • AES_CCM_16_64_128, id 10
  • AES_CCM_64_64_128, id 12
  • AES_CCM_16_128_128, id 30
  • AES_CCM_64_128_128, id 32
  • AES_CCM_16_64_256, id 11
  • AES_CCM_64_64_256, id 13
  • AES_CCM_16_128_256, id 31
  • AES_CCM_64_128_256, id 33
  • AES_GCM_128, id 1
  • AES_GCM_192, id 2
  • AES_GCM_256, id 3
  • CHACHA20_POLY1305, id 24

OSCORE Key Derivation:

  • HKDF_HMAC_SHA_256, id -10
  • HKDF_HMAC_SHA_512, id -11

For detailed information about the algorithms see the COSE Algorithms IANA registry.

Interop Server - MyContext

The interop-server supports also a "mycontext" resource. The response contains the information about the client on the server side.


> coap-client -p 15683 -m GET coap://

ip: 2a02:????:915b
port: 15683
server: Cf 4.0.0-M2
> coap-client -p 15684 -m GET -u Client_identity -k secretPSK coaps://

ip: 2a02:????:915b
port: 15684
peer: Client_identity
cipher-suite: TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8
session-id: 3BBC6EBAAA4F4A4717EEC8FF2C3FB1CFC4C9C89E9807EB0F1C0CDC11C6D9110C
read-cid: 1CF2CC41B37E
secure-renegotiation: true
ext-master-secret: true
newest-record: true
message-size-limit: 1343
server: Cf 4.0.0-M2

ip and port may be used to detect some NATs on the ip-route. If the port: in the response differs from the provided port in the cli (-p), then that's a first indication of some NAT. If a client send a new request a couple of minutes later and ip or port are changing, then that may also indicate a NAT. If the client uses DTLS without the Connection ID extension (no read-cid), then the request may timeout. In that case, try to use CoAP without encryption to see, if the ip or port changes.

Adapter Selection

For some systems (particularly when multicasting), it may be necessary to specify/restrict californium to a particular network interface, or interfaces. This can be achieved by setting the COAP_NETWORK_INTERFACES JVM parameter to a suitable regex, for example:

java -DCOAP_NETWORK_INTERFACES='.*wpan0' -jar target/cf-helloworld-server-4.0.0-M2.jar MulticastTestServer


A bug, an idea, an issue? Join the Mailing list or create an issue here on GitHub.


Please check out our contribution guidelines

There are a couple of enhancement issues, which have been closed for longer inactivity. Maybe, if you like to help and spend some time, you will be welcome.


CoAP/DTLS Java Implementation



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