spf13-vim Public
Forked from spf13/spf13-vimThe ultimate vim distribution
Vim Script UpdatedOct 15, 2012 -
VimLite Public
Forked from vim-scripts/VimLiteMake vim as a C/C++ IDE which inspired by CodeLite.
Python UpdatedOct 7, 2012 -
fisa-vim-config Public
Forked from fisadev/fisa-vim-configmy vim configuration (lot of python, autocompletition, fuzzy finder, debugger, ...)
facebook-ios-sdk Public
Forked from facebook/facebook-ios-sdkFacebook SDK for iOS
homebrew Public
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewThe missing package manager for OS X.
CODialog Public
Forked from rayyan/CODialogUIAlertView Replacement
vim-instant-markdown Public
Forked from fabiopelosin/vim-instant-markdownInstant Markdown previews from VIm!
AFNetworking Public
Forked from AFNetworking/AFNetworkingA delightful iOS and OS X networking framework
gh-unit Public
Forked from gh-unit/gh-unitTest Framework for Objective-C
MBProgressHUD Public
Forked from jdg/MBProgressHUDMBProgressHUD + Customizations
nimbus Public
Forked from jverkoey/nimbusThe iOS framework whose growth is bounded by O(documentation).
NYXImagesKit Public
Forked from Nyx0uf/NYXImagesKitA set of efficient categories for UIImage class. It allows filtering, resizing, masking, rotating, enhancing... and more.
CoolUIViewAnimations Public
Forked from pdetagyos/CoolUIViewAnimationsUIView Category containing cool animations and effects for iPhone. Sample project included.
xcode_tool Public
Forked from tangqiaoboy/xcode_toolThe snippet of xcode will be stored in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/CodeSnippets/
CoreTextWrapper Public
Forked from akosma/CoreTextWrapperAn Objective-C wrapper around Core Text for creating multi-column text and loading custom fonts
SDWebImage Public
Forked from SDWebImage/SDWebImageAsynchronous image downloader with cache support with an UIImageView category
Pro-iOS-TableViews Public
Forked from timd/Pro-iOS-TableViewsCode for Pro iOS TableViews book
iOsProgramming-2e Public
Forked from gmarik/iOsProgramming-2eworking through the book
NSLogger Public
Forked from fpillet/NSLoggerA modern, flexible logging tool
QuadCurveMenu Public
Forked from levey/AwesomeMenuPath 2.0 menu using CoreAnimation :)
apxml Public
Forked from arashpayan/apxmlXML DOM for iPhone and iPod Touch
F3Swirly Public
Forked from ChiefPilot/F3SwirlyCombination annunciator and activity indicator using Core Animation + Quartz 2D
iOS-boilerplate Public
Forked from PycKamil/iOS-boilerplateiOS-app template with lots of common tasks solved
Super-Checkout Public
Forked from whilethis/Super-CheckoutThe initial project from the book "Pro iOS 5 Tools"
UIView-FormScroll Public
Forked from markrickert/UIView-FormScrollUIView category that scrolls a view up or down. Useful for moving a view when you show a keyboard so that the view isn't covered up.
asi-http-request Public
Forked from pokeb/asi-http-requestEasy to use CFNetwork wrapper for HTTP requests, Objective-C, Mac OS X and iPhone