- 02/13 - More Vehicles @ Hero & Bandit Traders!
- 02/10 - Locked Vehicles Can't Be Towed
- 02/08 - Updated Donator Kits
- 01/29 - Loadout Donators Get Primary Weapons W/ Class Selection
- 01/29 - Can Only Respawn @ Big Cities (same # of spawns, more spread over map)
- 01/15 - New Loot Camps @ NWAF, Balota, & More
- 01/15 - Can Only Respawn @ Coastal Cities
- 01/04 - Install OpenDayz Epoch Cleanup Script
- 01/03 - Fire Barrels @ Hero & Bandit Traders
- 01/03 - Hero Trader City now 200m Radius From 300m
- 01/03 - Can Load/Unload Zombies From Cargo Trucks
- 01/03 - 10m Deadzone Around Protected Areas
- 12/31 - Add Barricades @ NEAF Air Dealer
- 12/29 - Trader City Protection Radius Increased
- 12/29 - Zombies removed from Trader Cities
- 12/29 - Missions can't spawn near Trader Cities
- 12/29 - Donator Kit Spawner Now Places Vaults
- 12/29 - Clothing & Building Missions
- 12/29 - Protect Air Dealer (25m radius)
- 12/28 - Donator Spawn Locations
- 12/20 - Owners Can Overlap Their Own Plot Poles
- 12/18 - Increase Building Preview Time (5min)
- 12/15 - Single Stage Crafting
- 12/15 - Take Clothes from Bodies
- 12/15 - Add Building Supplies to Missions
- 12/12 - AntiHack
- 12/12 - Vehicle Ammo Added to Traders
- 12/09 - Uninterrupted Menu Keys
- 12/08 - New Military Camps With Loot @ Airfields
- 12/07 - Indestructible 2nd Tier Bases
- 12/07 - Automatic Refueling
- 12/03 - Building Supplies Added to Traders
- 12/02 - Increased Loot With More Players
- 12/02 - Increased Vehicle Spawns
- 12/01 - Pick Class And Spawn
- 11/30 - Custom Loading Screen
- 11/30 - Default Loadout Fix (No Backpack Drop)
- 11/30 - Self Bloodbag
- 11/30 - Suicide
- 11/30 - DZAI
- 11/30 - Improved Mission System
- 11/30 - Towing & Lift
- 11/30 - Debug Menu
- 11/30 - Auto Refueling
- 11/30 - Safe Traders w\ Vehicle Protection
- 02/09 - Updated To
- 02/08 - Updated To 1.0.4
- 02/16 - Update Snap Building Script (Can Snap More Objects & Snap Top To Bottom)
- 02/16 - Update Epoch Cleanup Script (Should Prevent Mission Crates From Being Wiped)
- 02/13 - You can now press HOME to bring up the respawn menu if it gets closed somehow
- 02/13 - Starting weapons are now equipped properly
- 02/09 - Air Trader Protection Radius Increased To 50m From 30m
- 01/27 - Security Updates
- 01/04 - Change TS IP to Domain In Load Screen
- 12/31 - Admins Must Be Logged In With An Admin Name To Use Powers
- 12/31 - Air Trader Protection Radius Reduced To 30m From 50m
- 12/27 - Website Cleanup
- 12/28 - Add more forum sections (Suggestions & Complaints / Help & Questions / Etc)
- 12/28 - More Detailed Server Rules on Website & Loading Screen
- 12/20 - Building Supply Donator Packages
- 12/20 - Tweak Donator Loadouts
- 12/05 - Move Server Time to GMT-8 (Daytime 2 Hours Later)
- 11/30 - Donator Perks
- 11/30 - Website Stats
- Tweak AI Unit Loadouts
- Add More Vehicles To Sellers
- Custom Donator Skins (Packages)
- More Web Stats & Awards (Weekly Stats, Team Stats, Rewards, etc.)
- Add Vendor Prices On Website
- 02/08 - Fixed Glitch Where 1.0.4 Mission Vehicles Were Not Sellable
- 02/09 - Fixed Glitch Where Some Vehicles Could Be Repaired W/O Parts
- 01/27 - Cinder Wall Garages & Doors Now Indestructible
- 01/27 - Mission Chests should now correctly spawn loot
- 12/31 - Vehicle Guns should now shoot after exiting a Trader City
- 12/31 - Fixed Alignment Of Name & Vehicle On Debug Menu
- 12/28 - BDRM2 now uses non HQ class, allowing more than 2 players to ride in back
- 12/28 - Hatchet now uses proper ItemHatchet_DZE class for woodsman and donator loadouts.
- 12/28 - C130J Crash Mission replaced with Clothing & Building Supply Missions
- 12/28 - Donator safes no longer move when spawned.
- Air vehicles can still explode when crashed badly into a trader city
- Donator safes move when spawned.