- Lamsz Quran API is an mixed offline and cloud quran api which provide basic features to create an Al Quran application in Flutter. The reason it is mixed to keep the package as small as possible
Lamsz Quran API provide several features as follows
- Getting list of surah, it contains the name, latin name, number of Aya, surah type Makkiyah/Madaniyah, audio url from mp3quran.net
- Filter List of Surah based on name keyword
- Get Single Surah Data content of a surah,
- Get single aya
- Get translation of aya
- english (offline)
- bahasa (offline)
- malay (cloud - http call)
- Get transliteration of aya
- english (cloud - http call)
- bahasa (cloud - http call)
- Get tafseer of aya based on language in translation
- bahasa
- jalalayn (cloud - http call)
- quraish (cloud - http call)
- english
- hilalikhan (cloud - http call)
- shaheehinter (cloud - http call)
- bahasa
Add Get to your pubspec.yaml file:
Import get in files that it will be used:
import 'package:lamsz_quran_api/lamsz_quran_api.dart';
Returns Al Quran data containing list of surah and its detail Example:
It will returns List of Surahs such as
"id": 1,
"name_arabic": "الفاتحة",
"name_latin": "Al Fatihah",
"asma": "الفاتحة",
"ayah": 7,
"type": "Makkiyah",
"transliteration": "Al Fatihah",
"audio": "https://server8.mp3quran.net/afs/001.mp3"
You could get the number of Surah in Al Quran, by get the length of the list
You could filter Surah list by its name keyword
It will returns List of Surahs similar to get surah list
"id": 1,
"name_arabic": "الفاتحة",
"name_latin": "Al Fatihah",
"asma": "الفاتحة",
"ayah": 7,
"type": "Makkiyah",
"transliteration": "Al Fatihah",
"audio": "https://server8.mp3quran.net/afs/001.mp3"
Returns Surah Data such as surah name, aya, translation and transliteration
Returns Surah Data such as surah name, aya, translation, tafseer and transliteration
getSurahData(surahNumber: 1
, translationLang: 'bahasa'
, transliterationLang:
'bahasa', tafseer: 'jalalayn');
Returns name, aya list, aya translation list and transliteration (latin), or empty Surah if request not valid
"id": 1,
"name": "الفاتحة",
"remark": "...",
"translationLang": "bahasa",
"transliterationLang": "bahasa",
"tafseer": "jalalayn",
"id": 1,
"arabic_index": "\u0661",
"arabic": "بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ",
"translation": "Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.",
"transliteration": "...",
Returns Aya Data such as number, arabic text, translation, transliteration
getAya(surahNumber: 1,
aya: 1,
translationLang: 'english'
transliterationLang: 'english',
Returns number, arabic text, translation, transliteration, or empty Aya if not valid
"id": 1,
"arabic_index": "\u0661",
"arabic": "بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ",
"translation": "Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.",
"transliteration": "...",
"tafseer": "..."
For more detail usage, please see the example application of Quran application which using Lamsz Quran API
Please file specific issues, bugs, or feature requests in our issue tracker.
To contribute a change to this plugin, open a pull request.