A simple geocoder for node.
$ npm install simple-geocoder
To geocode:
var geocoder = require('simple-geocoder');
geocoder.geocode('1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500', function(success, locations) {
if(success) {
console.log("Location: ", locations.x, locations.y);
To reverse-geocode:
var geocoder = require('simple-geocoder');
geocoder.reverse('38.898723718725705,-77.038093585549746', function(success, result) {
if(success) {
console.log("Location: ", result.Address, result.City, result.Region, result.Postal, result.CountryCode);
- Simple geocoding and reverse geocoding, via object or string
- Uses ArcGIS Online free geocoder. For details on allowed uses of the AGOL geocoder, see http://geocode.arcgis.com
To provide a dead-simple geocoder package that utilizes the ArcGIS Online geocoder by default.
To run the test suite, first invoke the following command within the repo, installing the development dependencies:
$ npm install
Then run the tests:
$ grunt
Author: Gavin Rehkemper
Code for this package under the MIT license. Uses ArcGIS Online free geocoder by default. Please see http://geocode.arcgis.com for allowed usage.