A friendly IDE to develop HTML5 games based on the popular Phaser framework.
Based on Eclipse, this IDE provides lot of functionalities made just to develop Phaser games:
- Load of Phaser project templates, including the official Phaser examples and tutorials.
- Improved JavaScript editor, with Phaser API auto-completion and inline preview of the assets.
- Assets management, with assisting editors and viewers.
- Visual game level editor.
- Texture and audio packer.
- Previsualization of spritesheets, atlas, images, videos, audio.
- Advanced Phaser documentation search (Chains) and offline Phaser Documentation.
- Built-in HTTP server.
- PNG images optimization.
- And all that great stuff that you can find in a Eclipse based IDE, like a super flexible layout, projects explorer, customizable key shortcuts, native look and feel and a huge community, just to mention some of them.
- Website
- Downloads
- Blog
- Youtube Channel
- HTML5GameDevs forum
- Older versions on Bitbucket
Please use the issues of this repo to report bugs or request features. In addition you can use any of our social channels or write an email to developers at phasereditor2d.com.
Phaser Editor is developed by Arian Fornaris.
You can checkout the source code and modify it (EPL License).