Original Work: https://github.com/kxr/ocp4_setup_upi_kvm.
We have modified shell script to work with OKD.
- Internet connected physical host running a modern linux distribution
- Virtualization enabled and Libvirt/KVM setup
- DNS on the host managed by dnsmasq or NetworkManager/dnsmasq
Option | Description |
-O, --okd-version VERSION | You can set this to a specific version like 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541 etc. More info on https://github.com/OKD/okd/releases. Default: 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541 |
-R, --rhcos-version VERSION | You can set a specific FCOS version to use. For example "32.20200809.3.0" etc. More info on https://getfedora.org/coreos/download?tab=metal_virtualized&stream=stable. Default: 32.20200809.3.0 |
-p, --pull-secret FILE | Location of the pull secret file Default: /root/pull-secret |
-c, --cluster-name NAME | OKD 4 cluster name Default: okd4 |
-d, --cluster-domain DOMAIN | OKD 4 cluster domain Default: local |
-m, --masters N | Number of masters to deploy Default: 3 |
-w, --worker N | Number of workers to deploy Default: 2 |
--master-cpu N | Number of CPUs for the master VM(s) Default: 8 |
--master-mem SIZE(MB) | RAM size (MB) of master VM(s) Default: 16000 |
--worker-cpu N | Number of CPUs for the worker VM(s) Default: 4 |
--worker-mem SIZE(MB) | RAM size (MB) of worker VM(s) Default: 8000 |
--bootstrap-cpu N | Number of CPUs for the bootstrap VM Default: 8 |
--bootstrap-mem SIZE(MB) | RAM size (MB) of bootstrap VM Default: 16000 |
--lb-cpu N | Number of CPUs for the load balancer VM Default: 4 |
--lb-mem SIZE(MB) | RAM size (MB) of load balancer VM Default: 4000 |
-n, --libvirt-network NETWORK | The libvirt network to use. Select this option if you want to use an existing libvirt network The libvirt network should already exist. If you want the script to create a separate network for this installation see: -N, --libvirt-oct Default: default |
-N, --libvirt-oct OCTET | You can specify a 192.168.{OCTET}.0 subnet octet and this script will create a new libvirt network for the cluster The network will be named okd-{OCTET}. If the libvirt network okd-{OCTET} already exists, it will be used. Default: [not set] |
-v, --vm-dir | The location where you want to store the VM Disks Default: /var/lib/libvirt/images |
-z, --dns-dir DIR | We expect the DNS on the host to be managed by dnsmasq. You can use NetworkMananger's built-in dnsmasq or use a separate dnsmasq running on the host. If you are running a separate dnsmasq on the host, set this to "/etc/dnsmasq.d" Default: /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d |
-s, --setup-dir DIR | The location where we the script keeps all the files related to the installation Default: /root/okd4_setup_{CLUSTER_NAME} |
-x, --cache-dir DIR | To avoid un-necessary downloads we download the OKD/RHCOS files to a cache directory and reuse the files if they exist This way you only download a file once and reuse them for future installs You can force the script to download a fresh copy by using -X, --fresh-download Default: /root/okd4_downloads |
-X, --fresh-download | Set this if you want to force the script to download a fresh copy of the files instead of reusing the existing ones in cache dir Default: [not set] |
-k, --keep-bootstrap | Set this if you want to keep the bootstrap VM. By default bootstrap VM is removed once the bootstraping is finished Default: [not set] |
--autostart-vms | Set this if you want to the cluster VMs to be set to auto-start on reboot Default: [not set] |
-y, --yes | Set this for the script to be non-interactive and continue with out asking for confirmation Default: [not set] |
--destroy | Set this if you want the script to destroy everything it has created Use this option with the same options you used to install the cluster Be carefull this deletes the VMs, DNS entries and the libvirt network (if created by the script) Default: [not set] |
# Deploy OKD 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541 cluster
./okd4_setup_kvm.sh --okd-version 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541
./okd4_setup_kvm.sh -O 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541
# Deploy OKD 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541 cluster with RHCOS 32.20200809.3.0
./okd4_setup_kvm.sh --okd-version 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541 --rhcos-version 32.20200809.3.0
./okd4_setup_kvm.sh -O 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541 -R 32.20200809.3.0
# Deploy 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541 OKD version with pull secret from a custom location
./okd4_setup_kvm.sh --pull-secret ~/pull-secret --okd-version latest
./okd4_setup_kvm.sh -p ~/pull-secret -O 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541
# Deploy OKD 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541 with custom cluster name and domain
./okd4_setup_kvm.sh --cluster-name okd45 --cluster-domain lab.test.com --okd-version 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541
./okd4_setup_kvm.sh -c okd45 -d lab.test.com -O 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541
# Deploy OKD 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541 on new libvirt network (
./okd4_setup_kvm.sh --okd-version 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541 --libvirt-oct 155
./okd4_setup_kvm.sh -O 4.5.0-0.okd-2020-08-12-020541 -N 155
# Destory the already installed cluster
./okd4_setup_kvm.sh --cluster-name okd45 --cluster-domain lab.test.com --destroy
./okd4_setup_kvm.sh -c okd45 -d lab.test.com --destroy