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larmel committed Dec 18, 2022
1 parent 18499ad commit 9b26670
Showing 1 changed file with 196 additions and 0 deletions.
196 changes: 196 additions & 0 deletions 16.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
var graph = ReadInput(Console.In);

// There are multiple tricks for part 1:
// * Simplify the graph by deleting nodes with zero flow (except AA). They all have only one edge in/out.
// * Use a heuristic to discard search paths that cannot possibly lead to a higher than current highest total flow.
var minEdgeWeight = graph.SelectMany(n => n.Next).Select(e => e.Weight).Min();

Console.WriteLine($"Searching graph of {graph.Count} nodes, min edge weight {minEdgeWeight}");

var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
var answer = FindMaxFlow(graph, 30);

Console.WriteLine($"Max flow: {answer} (elapsed: {sw.Elapsed})");

// The trick for part two is to simply try every single partition of nodes into two sub-sets, simulating the
// maximum flow possible for each set in 26 steps. There are only 2^14 possible combinations to calculate, as the
// input has 15 nodes with non-zero flow, and we can cut that in half because of symmetry.
List<Node> a = new(), b = new();
var combinations = 1u << graph.Count - 2;
Console.WriteLine($"Testing {combinations} work partitions.");
sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (uint k = 0; k < combinations; ++k)
var mask = k << 2 | 2;
for (var i = 1; i < graph.Count; ++i)
if (((mask >> i) & 1) == 1)

var aFlow = FindMaxFlow(a, 26);
var bFlow = FindMaxFlow(b, 26);
answer = Math.Max(answer, aFlow + bFlow);

Console.WriteLine($"Max flow with help: {answer} (elapsed: {sw.Elapsed})");

List<Node> ReadInput(TextReader reader)
Dictionary<string, Node> nodes = new();
while (reader.ReadLine()?.Split() is { } line)
Node GetOrCreateNode(string name)
=> nodes.TryGetValue(name, out var n) ? n : nodes[name] = new(name);

var flow = int.Parse(line[4].Substring(5, line[4].Length - 6));
var node = GetOrCreateNode(line[1]);
node.Flow = flow;

var targets = line[9..].Select(l => l.TrimEnd(','));
node.Next.AddRange(targets.Select(t => new Edge(GetOrCreateNode(t), 1)));

return DeleteZeroNodes(nodes["AA"]);

List<Node> DeleteZeroNodes(Node start)
List<Node> nodes = new();
bool TryFindZero(out Node zero)
Queue<Node> queue = new();
while (queue.TryDequeue(out var node))
if (!nodes.Contains(node))

if (node.Flow == 0 && !node.Equals(start))
zero = node;
return true;

foreach (var edge in node.Next.Where(edge => !nodes.Contains(edge.Target)))

zero = start;
return false;

while (TryFindZero(out var zero))
// All zero nodes (except start) has only two edges.
var weight = zero.Next[0].Weight + zero.Next[1].Weight;
Node p = zero.Next[0].Target, q = zero.Next[1].Target;

var i = p.Next.FindIndex(e => e.Target.Equals(zero));
var j = q.Next.FindIndex(e => e.Target.Equals(zero));
p.Next[i] = new(q, weight);
q.Next[j] = new(p, weight);

return nodes;

int FindMaxFlow(List<Node> nodes, int steps)
var withFlow = nodes.Where(n => n.Flow != 0).ToHashSet();
return Search(nodes[0], 0, new HashSet<Node>(), 0, 0);

int Search(Node node, int step, HashSet<Node> opened, int currentFlow, int maxTotalFlow)
if (step >= steps || opened.Count == withFlow.Count)
return currentFlow;

// Early exit if we know an upper bound on remaining flow is still less that current max solution.
int heuristic = 0, futureStep = step;
foreach (var n in nodes.Where(n => !opened.Contains(n)).OrderByDescending(n => n.Flow))
if (futureStep >= steps) break;
heuristic += (steps - futureStep - 1) * n.Flow;
// Spend at least minEdgeWeight minute moving to next node, and 1 minute opening.
futureStep += minEdgeWeight + 1; // Real input has no edge less than cost 2.

if (currentFlow + heuristic < maxTotalFlow)
return heuristic;

// Open valve and go to next.
if (!opened.Contains(node) && withFlow.Contains(node))
var flow = (steps - step - 1) * node.Flow; // Total contribution from this valve until the end.

foreach (var edge in node.Next
.OrderBy(n => opened.Contains(n.Target))
.ThenByDescending(n => n.Target.Flow))
var branchTotalFlow = Search(edge.Target, step + 1 + edge.Weight, opened, currentFlow + flow, maxTotalFlow);
maxTotalFlow = Math.Max(branchTotalFlow, maxTotalFlow);


// Skip valve and go to next immediately.
foreach (var edge in node.Next
.OrderBy(n => opened.Contains(n.Target))
.ThenByDescending(n => n.Target.Flow))
var branchTotalFlow = Search(edge.Target, step + edge.Weight, opened, currentFlow, maxTotalFlow);
maxTotalFlow = Math.Max(branchTotalFlow, maxTotalFlow);

return maxTotalFlow;

internal sealed record Edge(Node Target, int Weight);

internal sealed class Node : IEquatable<Node>
public string Name { get; }

public int Flow { get; set; }

public List<Edge> Next { get; }

public Node(string name)
Name = name;
Next = new();

public bool Equals(Node? other)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true;
return Name == other.Name;

public override bool Equals(object? obj) => ReferenceEquals(this, obj) || obj is Node other && Equals(other);

public override int GetHashCode() => Name.GetHashCode();

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