This is the beginning of a project to collect code-related talks, rate, tag them, and so forth.
To contribute:
Fork and clone the repo, go to the folder, and then
- Create a development app on heroku, with the callback set to
- Copy the config/credentials.exs.example to config/credentials.exs, and fill in the blanks.
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phoenix.server
Browse the site with
Create pullrequests against original with features/fixes
Basic main TODOS are:
- Tags - Programming language / topic tags for talks.
- Smarter embedding system
- Automatic authentication and redirection on route subset
- up-voting of talks
- possible embedding of slides
- all things frontend
- demand less information from github
- featured talks
- a real submission / moderating system
- your ideas!