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PHP Helper Library for Clarify

Installing via Composer

The recommended way to install the Clarify library is through Composer.

# Install Composer
curl -sS | php

# Add Clarify as a dependency
php composer.phar require clarify/clarify-helper dev-master@dev

or alternatively, you can add it directly to your composer.json file.

    "require": {
        "clarify/clarify-helper": "dev-master@dev"

Then install the libraries via Composer:

composer install

Finally, require Composer's autoloader in your PHP script:

require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';


To begin using this library, initialize the Clarify object with your API key:

$bundle = new \Clarify\Bundle($apikey);

Then add an audio or video file to your search index:

$bundle->create('', "My awesome audio file");

Within minutes your file will be added to your index and available via a simple search:

$bundle = new \Clarify\Bundle($apikey);
$result = $bundle->search('close');
$results = $result['item_results'];

Quickstart Guide

Getting Started

This quickstart demonstrates a simple way to get started using the Clarify API. Following these steps, it should take you no more than 5-10 minutes to have a fully functional search for your audio.

Creating the object

While you can use any programming language you choose, we provide helper libraries in a couple to get you started. In PHP, you simply include the library and create a new \Clarify\Audio object using your API Key:

require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

$bundle = new \Clarify\Bundle('my-api-key');

Loading Audio

Once you've created the object, you can use the object to load each one of your audio files as shown:

$result = $bundle->create("optional bundle name", '');

Here are some audio files you can use for testing:

Hint: You don't have to download these files. Instead you can pass us these urls via the create method shown above.

Searching Audio

To search, you use the same \Clarify\Bundle object and search using your keywords. This can be accomplished in a single line of code:

$result = $bundle->search('my-keyword');

Then you can process and interact the results however you wish. The code below simply shows the resulting bundle id, bundle name, and the start/end offsets for each occurrence of the search terms.

$results = $result['item_results'];
$items = $result['_links']['items'];
foreach ($items as $index => $item) {
    $_bundle = $audio->load($item['href']);

    echo $_bundle['_links']['self']['href'] . "\n";
    echo $_bundle['name'] . "\n";

    $search_hits = $results[$index]['term_results'][0]['matches'][0]['hits'];
    foreach ($search_hits as $search_hit) {
        echo $search_hit['start'] . ' -- ' . $search_hit['end'] . "\n";

And here are the results using the first audio file above with "close" as the search term:

16.34 -- 16.69
17.36 -- 17.71
18.71 -- 19.04
19.67 -- 20.03

Putting it All Together

From here, we can visualize our search results with our audio player or our video player for video. The player should work with no additional configuration but the bulk of the logic is here:

$bundle = new \Clarify\Bundle($apikey);
$items = $bundle->search($terms);

$search_terms = json_encode($items['search_terms']);
$item_results = json_encode($items['item_results']);

$bundlekey = $items['_links']['items'][0]['href'];
$tracks = $bundle->tracks($bundlekey)['tracks'];
$mediaUrl = $tracks[0]['media_url'];


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PHP Helper Library for Clarify API







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