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this repository(preview on github pages)


This repository contains the sources for the homepage of

To report bugs and issues with JACK, please use the corresponding bugtrackers of jack1 and jack2


You can currently contribute to the homepage by checking the page for dead/wrong links and formatting mistakes and file bugreports about them.

If you feel comfortable fixing issues yourself, please file a pull request.

If you want to help out on the style part, you are more than welcome to clone the repo and start hacking but please communicate about your vision, so there won't be any drama.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to contact the authors via jack-devel mailinglist or on github.


just clone the repository and point your webserver to the '_site' dir

adding FAQ Pages

  1. create a new *.md file in the faq directory
  2. insert a header as in the other files in the faq dir, they are required for jekyll to process the file
  3. Add your content in markdown format
  4. link to your new FAQ page in the /faq/ page, please note, that all FAQ pages currently need '.html' appended, since they share the same directory.

development notes

  • requires jekyll >= 2.2.0 (because of changes in the configuration file)

A convenient way of working is, to check out the working copy and start jekyll with:

cd /path/to/working/copy
jekyll serve --watch

that way, jekyll watches all source files for changes and regenerates the _site dir on changes. It also starts a local webserver on port 4000 where the result can be observed.

Desired line length maximum is 82 columns.

site internal links

relative to site root

[name to display](/path/to/file)

relative to page

[name to display](to/file)

faq page

[name to display](/faq/file.html)

open considderations

  • The downloadable files will have to be placed in the 'downloads' dir after cloning the repo. That's a hassle, but including them in this repo would just bloat the repo more and more with each release.
  • a news/releases section
  • how to handle the '_site' dir? it needs to be included for easy deployment without running jekyll on the webserver side, on the other hand it holds a full copy of the images and all binary files. AFAIK you cannot safely place thouse files only in the '_site' dir, since this dir gets cleaned by jekyll.


jackaudio's Website and Wiki hosted at github






No releases published


No packages published


  • HTML 97.9%
  • CSS 1.9%
  • JavaScript 0.2%