Flow-style assertions for Elixir, Ecto, and Phoenix
Visual Studio Code Plugin named multi-command
A component-based, declarative router for vue. Inspired by React Router 4
Shopify Pipeline - A modern pipeline for Shopify theme development
Multiple Inheritance Class System: Intuitive mixins for ES6 classes
Shopify Pipeline - A modern pipeline for Shopify theme development
Ansible role to setup server with Elixir & Postgres to deploy apps
An ember plugin that provides a fabric.js canvas with editor controls.
Elixir is a dynamic, functional language for building scalable and maintainable applications
tzarskyz / Alfred-1
Forked from xhinking/AlfredMy Alfred Theme And Workflow
iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things.
A Ruby job queue that uses PostgreSQL's advisory locks for speed and reliability.
lastobelus / shopify_theme
Forked from Shopify/shopify_themeA console tool for interacting with Shopify Theme Assets.
Principles of writing consistent, idiomatic CSS.
Validations for Ember Objects
CSV based Ruby decision tables (dead, not maintained anymore)
lastobelus / guard-shopify
Forked from thejonanshow/guard-shopifyA guard extension to push local changes to Shopify templates automatically using shopify_api.
lastobelus / liquid.tmbundle
Forked from Shopify/liquid-tmbundleLiquid Templates Textmate Bundle
lastobelus / shopify.tmbundle
Forked from meeech/shopify.tmbundleA bundle for interacting with Shopify Theme Assets.
lastobelus / chef-php
Forked from sous-chefs/phpDevelopment repository for Opscode Cookbook php
lastobelus / iterm_window
Forked from chrisjpowers/iterm_windowControl your terminal windows in iTerm with Ruby -- great for automation scripting!
Development repository for Opscode Cookbook application_php
lastobelus / chef-application
Forked from poise/applicationDevelopment repository for Opscode Cookbook application
lastobelus / python
Forked from poise/pythonDevelopment repository for Opscode Cookbook python
lastobelus / berkshelf
Forked from berkshelf/berkshelfManage a Cookbook or an Application's Cookbook dependencies
Battle-hardened Ironfan-ready big data chef cookbooks, laden with best practices and love from your friends at Infochimps