Homework for 2011 fall A.I. university course (VIMIAC00)
Contains the implementations of some basic search algorithms, originally created in 2011 as a homework for a course.
The following algorithms has been implemented:
- Breadth-first search
- Depth-first search
- Uniform cost search
- Greedy (best-first) search
- A* search
The application requires specifically crafted plain text files which specify the required algorithm and contain the input for a search. The results of the run are also printed out to a specified plain text file. Examples of both, along with the original homework specifications (in hungarian language) can be found in the /additions
- Java SE Development Kit 6, although a recent JDK is highly recommended
git clone [email protected]:laszlolukacs/searchalgorithms.git <LOCAL_WORKING_DIR>
- (Optionally) Open/Import the project with Eclipse (repo has been configured for that) or any other IDE or text editor
- (Optionally) Generate Java SE 6 compatible bytecode from the CLI, by execute the following from the sources directory:
javac -source 1.6 -target 1.6 -bootclasspath <PATH_TO_JDK6>\lib\rt.jar *.java
, where<PATH_TO_JDK6>
is the path to the JDK SE 6 home
- From the directory where the bytecode (the
files) is located:java Search <INPUT_FILE> <OUTPUT_FILE>
, where<INPUT_FILE>
are paths for the input and output plain text files respectively