Laura L Watkins (STScI), [email protected]
Watkins et al. 2015, ApJ, submitted
- license and referencing
- code description
- requirements
This code is released under a BSD 2-clause license.
If you use this code for your research, please cite:
Watkins et al. 2015, ApJ submitted
Please don't forget to also cite Cappellari & Copin (2003) who wrote the original IDL code upon which this Python version was based.
This code performs a Voronoi 2D-binning algorithm on an input set of pixels. This is a Python version of the IDL implementation by Michele Cappellari. A Python version of the code is also available at that URL, though it was not at the time that this code was written. offers an example for how the code should be run; example_in.dat and example_out.dat are the input and output files for the example.
The code takes five arguments:
x : the x-coordinates of the input pixels
y : the y-coordinates of the input pixels
signal : the signal in each of the input pixels
noise : the noise in each of the input pixels
target : the target signal/noise required in each bin
And returns six:
pix_bin : bin number into which each pixel was placed
bin_x : the x-coordinate of the output bins
bin_y : the y-coordinate of the output bins
bin_sn : the signal-to-noise level in each of the output bins
bin_pix : the number of original pixels in each of the output bins
scale : the scale
This code uses the standard python libraries numpy and matplotlib. The example also makes use of the astropy libraries for file i/o.