Data is often not collected by Black communities when it is needed the most. We have compiled a list of all of the states that have shared data on COVID-19 infections and deaths by race and those who have not. This effort is to extract this data from websites to track disparities COVID-19 deaths and cases for Black people.
curl -o
Note: This is simply a recommended way to keep packages for this repo. You can choose to install this globally if you'd like.
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv d4blcovid19tracker
source d4blcovid19tracker/bin/activate
Adding an alias to easily enter into this environment can be helpful. For example, in your ~/.zshrc
or ~/.bashrc
alias enter_d4bl='cd /path/to/COVID19_tracker_data_extraction/workflow/python; source /path/to/d4blcovid19tracker/bin/activate'
In the root of the repo (./COVID19_tracker_data_extraction) run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In the root of the repo (./COVID19_tracker_data_extraction), run:
pre-commit install
This setups a pre-commit hook to lint and format files added to your local git index on a git commit.
This will run before the commit takes place, so if there are errors, the commit will not take place.