LimitSwap is a trading bot for UniSwap & Many Other DEXs. It has the ability to scan multiple pairs on uniswap and grab the price in realtime and make automated trading decisions based on the users settings [AKA: Limit Orders]
This bot was built as a learning project for me to learn how to use, Erc20, & improve my coding skills please use at your own risk!
There are 3 ways to install LimitSwap :
Here is a tutorial step-by-step:
- Download last LimitSwap code on the "Code" page by clicking on Code > Download Zip :
- Unzip file
- Install Python on your computer :
- Install Visual Studio :
Please install the default package and all those options :
Open Windows Powershell (or Mac Terminal on MacOs)
Run this command to go to root folder :
cd /
- Run this command to locate LimitSwap folder :
Get-ChildItem -Filter -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
- It should look like this:
- Copy the Directory
(on my computer it's : C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\LimitSwap-master
but adapt it to your own result obtained above !!)
- Paste the Directory after the "cd" command to navigate through the bot folder
(on my computer it's : cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\LimitSwap-master
but adapt it to your own result obtained above !!)
- Run command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
--> this will install all the packages needed to run LimitSwap
(if you have an error here, double check you have selected "Add Python to PATH" on the Python step. If you did not, uninstall Python and reinstall it checking the option "Add Python to PATH")
✅ ✅ ✅ And it's done! ✅ ✅ ✅
- Simply double-click on "" and it will run, since you've installed Python 👍👍
That we provide on the Release page : it's a .exe file that you can run on your computer.
- Download last Zip file, for instance :
- Unzip it
- Open "tokens.json - Shortcut" and configure it for your needs
- Open "Start LimitSwap.cmd" --> it will configure your settings.json
✅ ✅ ✅ And it's done! ✅ ✅ ✅
🟢 : very easy to setup
🔴 : it's pre-compiled, so you cannot check the Source Code
MacOS and Windows users require Docker for Desktop
Ubuntu Linux require Docker installed sudo apt-get install
Navigate into the bot directory and build the Docker image by executing the following command:
docker build -t limit_swap_v4 .
(For MacOS and Linux) Still within the main directory you can run Docker via:
docker run --rm --name limit-swap_v4 -it -v $(pwd)/settings.json:/app/settings.json -v $(pwd)/tokens.json:/app/tokens.json limit_swap_v4
(For Windows with Powershell)
docker run --rm --name limit-swap_v4 -it -v $PWD/settings.json:/app/settings.json -v $PWD/tokens.json:/app/tokens.json limit_swap_v4
If you wish to run the container in the background please include -d for detached.
The streaming container logs can be visualised with docker logs -f limit_swap_v4
To stop the bot docker stop limit_swap_v4
Want to help contribute to LimitSwap, reach out on telegram all you need to do is make changes or fix bugs and we will pay developer bounties in $LIMIT for helping make the bot batter!