The Dart language site (
The site, built with Jekyll and hosted on Firebase.
We welcome contributions, and we're first-timer friendly!
For simple changes (such as to CSS and text), you probably don't need to build this site. But if you want/need to build, here's how.
Install the following tools if you don't have them already.
IMPORTANT: Follow the installation instructions for each of the tools carefully. In particular, configure your shell/environment so that the tools are available in every terminal/command window you create.
- Create or choose a directory to hold this site's Git repository, and the
other repositories needed to build this site (which will be fetched later);
for example,
. - Clone this repo (site-www) into the chosen directory by following the instructions given in the GitHub help on Cloning a repository.
NOTE: It is safe to (re-)run all of the commands and scripts given below even if you already have the required packages installed.
Open a terminal/command window and execute the following commands:
cd <path-to-this-repo>
# change to root of this reposource ./scripts/
# initialize environment variables; install/use required Node & Ruby version./scripts/
# install core set of required tools./scripts/
# install everything else needed to build this site
- Any time you create a new terminal/command window to work on this repo, repeat steps 1 and 2 above.
- If you upgrade Dart then rerun all of the steps above.
Once everything is installed, you need to do a full site build at least once:
jekyll build
# full site build
The generated site is placed in the publish
folder. To serve this folder use:
superstatic --port 4000
To view the generated site open localhost:4000 in a browser.
You can build, serve, and have a watcher for changes by running the following command:
If you've made changes to the example code run the following commands:
./scripts/ -q
If the last command reports failed tests and you'd like to know which
test failed, then rerun the command without the -q
First, make sure you're using the Firebase server:
jekyll build && firebase serve --port 4000
Next, to check for broken links, run this from the top of the repo:
linkcheck :4000
If the link checker crashes:
- Make sure you're using the firebase server.
- Rerun the command with the
option to figure out what triggered the crash.
To also check external URLs (which is much slower), run the linkcheck command
with the --external
(or -e
, for short) option.
With this tool you can check any URL by simply specifying it as a parameter:
To check for valid HTML, good images, and broken links (though not as well as linkcheck.dart), run this from the top of the repo:
First, save your changes. For example, from the top directory:
git commit src
Create a pull request by pushing your branch to GitHub.
git push origin <branchname>
Navigate to the Firebase console,
If you don't already have a project to stage to, create it:
- Select Create New Project.
- Enter a project name in the dialog, such as
. - Click Create Project. This takes you to the page for your new project.
Note: To keep the number of projects under control,
we reuse them. Our naming convention is
<first initial><last initial>-www-dartlang-<number>
, for example,
and kw-www-dartlang-1
. For, replace www
with webdev
Return to the Firebase console.
You should now see your project in the list.
Copy the name of your project (e.g. sz-www-dartlang-2
) to your clipboard.
On the command line, from the top of GitHub repo, edit the
Change www-dartlang-org
to the name of your project. For example:
"projects": {
"default": "sz-www-dartlang-2"
Build the docs, to get the latest changes and set the new project name:
jekyll build
Then deploy the docs:
firebase deploy
You can now navigate to the staged version at
/—for example,
Important: Don't commit the .firebaserc
file containing the name of your staged version.
Navigate to the PR on GitHub and update the it with the location of the staged version, the names of your reviewers, and so on.
Before making any more changes, stash .firebaserc
git stash
You can later retrieve the stashed file, if you need to stage again,
using git stash pop
To make sure we are not breaking any links (or bookmarks) from yesteryear, you can take the old sitemap as input for the link checker.
Again, make sure you are running the localhost server (./
), then:
linkcheck :4000 -i deploy/urls/old_site_urls.txt