Simple grunt wrapper around the jquery-builder from @jgallen23.
Install this grunt plugin next to your project's [grunt.js gruntfile][getting_started] with: npm install grunt-jquerybuilder
Then add this line to your project's grunt.js
Load the grunt-jquerybuilder task as described in 'Getting started' and add your jQuery builder configuration to your grunt file:
Example jQuery builder grunt file config entry:
// ... grunt file contents
jquery: {
// the parts you want to exclude from your build
// possible values ['ajax', 'css', 'deprecated', 'dimensions', 'effects', 'offset']
exclude: ['ajax'],
// the jQuery version (currently only 1.8.3 is supported) - defaults to 1.8.3
version: '1.8.3',
// output location (relative to your grunt.js file location)
dest: 'build/jquery.custom.js',
// minify the output (true or false) - defaults to false
minify: false
// ... even more grunt file contents
As you might have guessed, this would produce the same output as
grunt custom:-ajax
- Fixed filename reference in package.json
- Housekeeping (README additions, log output, etc.)
- Initial Release
Copyright (c) 2012 asciidisco Licensed under the MIT license.