This project is a simple lab with PHP/MySQL web application vulnerable.
Environment is builded with Vagrant, VirtualBox Machine or Docker Container, and provisioned with Ansible.
Don't use it in production.
- Install Virtual Box or Docker
- Install Vagrant
- Install Ansible
git clone
cd websecurity-lab
cd vagrant-docker
vagrant up
cd vagrant-virtualbox
vagrant up
Point your browser for
Click on the 'Create / Reset Database' button below to create your database.
Default username = admin
Default password = password
Security Level default = high
- Ubuntu trusty64.
- apache2 compile for source with CFLAGS="-DBIG_SECURITY_HOLE" (for running apache with root).
- php5 compile for source.
- Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA).
- Enable role nowasp - NOWASP (Mutillidae).