Nissim Maruani1, Maks Ovsjanikov2, Pierre Alliez1, Mathieu Desbrun3.
1 Inria, Université Côte d’Azur 2 LIX, École Polytechnique, IP Paris 2 Inria Saclay, École Polytechnique
Please see our project page for video presentation & 3D meshes.
Accepted at CVPR 2024 🚀🚀🚀
The code is tested on the listed versions but other versions may also work:
- Python 3.9
- PyTorch 1.12.1
- PyTorch3D 0.7.0
- trimesh 3.15.5
- igl 2.2.1
- tqdm 4.64.1
- yaml 0.2.5
- scikit-learn 0.19.3
To interactively test our method, please refer to the notebooks in src/demos/
Our PoNQ model pre-trained on ABC can reconstruct 3D meshes from ground truth Signed Distance Fields (SDF) grids: it is an alternative to Marching Cubes. For high resolutions (or small GPUs), the input grid can be split: see demo_learning_large.ipynb
Optimization of a PoNQ model with ground truth points and normals (no learning here). Can be used to compare with SIREN.
Optimization of a PoNQ model to reconstruct an open shape.
Note that we provide the generated learning-based PoNQ meshes here. To reproduce our results, please first download the data for ABC and Thingi. The following command will generate meshes on both Thingi32 and ABC for PoNQ and PoNQ-lite with our pre-trained network:
mkdir out
python src/ configs/eval_cnn.yaml # PoNQ
python src/ configs/eval_cnn.yaml -subd 1 # PoNQ-lite
You can compute various metrics (CD, F1, NC, ECD, EF1) with:
python src/eval/ configs/eval_cnn.yaml # PoNQ
python src/eval/ configs/eval_cnn.yaml -subd 1 # PoNQ-lite
You can check watertightness and count mesh elements with:
python src/eval/ FOLDER
The following command generates optimization-based PoNQ models on Thingi:
python src/utils/ configs/direct_thingi.yaml -grid_n 32
python src/utils/ configs/direct_thingi.yaml -grid_n 64
python src/utils/ configs/direct_thingi.yaml -grid_n 128
You can compute various metrics (CD, F1, NC, ECD, EF1) with:
python src/eval/ FOLDER
Please follow the instructions provided by NMC to:
- Download the first chunk of ABC
- Run
- Compile
After that, run
to obtain SDF grids, sampled points and sample normals for training.
Run each one of the training phase, and do not forget to rename
between each command:
cd learning
python src/utils/ configs/abc_cnn_multiple_quadrics_split_1.yaml
python src/utils/ configs/abc_cnn_multiple_quadrics_split_2.yaml
python src/utils/ configs/abc_cnn_multiple_quadrics_split_3.yaml
This work was supported by 3IA Côte d'Azur (ANR-19-P3IA-0002), ERC Starting Grant 758800 (EXPROTEA), ERC Consolidator Grant 101087347 (VEGA), ANR AI Chair AIGRETTE, Ansys, Adobe Research, and a Choose France Inria chair.