- Watch content hosted on the Joystream network
- Explore most popular content and channels
- Sign up for your Joystream membership
- Create a channel and publish content
- (coming soon) Issue and trade NFTs for the content you've published
All community contributions to the project are welcome. Before starting any work, it's a good idea to get familiar with the following additional documents:
- CONTRIBUTING.md - this will lay out our expectations regarding work process in GitHub, etc.
- Code conventions and styleguide - this should help you understand code conventions we use
- Technical overview - this document describes Atlas' technical architecture, what data sources it fetches from, what tech is used to build it, etc.
If you are looking for a good place to start, check out the good first issue label or bug label.
To get started working with Atlas codebase, first clone the repo, install all dependencies and run the development server.
git clone https://github.com/Joystream/atlas
cd atlas
yarn install
yarn start
This will start the development server on localhost:3000
To get started working with Atlas designs in Figma, visit Joystream's official Figma Community profile (available early 2022) and duplicate files you're interested in remixing or using as a base for your work.
While most of the Atlas design documentation is kept within Figma files, for meta documentation visit Atlas Design Space on Notion.
All software under this project is licensed as GPLv3 unless otherwise indicated.