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Load MakeHuman material definitions into Blender
edit_external_for_blender Public
Edit Blender text blocks in Emacs
hersheypy Public
Rendering Hershey fonts in Python
harfpy Public
Python wrapper for HarfBuzz
python_pixman_examples Public
Examples of usage of my Python binding for Pixman
python_pixman Public
Python wrapper for Pixman pixel-manipulation library
python_freetype_examples Public
example uses of python_freetype
python_freetype Public
Python language binding for FreeType library
python_fontconfig Public
Python wrapper for Fontconfig
qahirah_notebooks Public
IPython notebooks demonstrating Cairo with Qahirah
qahirah_examples Public
Examples of usage of Qahirah Python binding for Cairo graphics
qahirah Public
A more Pythonic binding for the Cairo graphics library
seaskirt_examples Public
Examples of usage of my seaskirt Asterisk API wrapper
dbussy_examples Public
Source code examples demonstrating use of DBussy
dbussy Public
Python binding for D-Bus using asyncio
python_linuxfs Public
Some useful Linux-specific filesystem functions not (yet) in Python standard library
UpdatedSep 27, 2023 -
py3rsvg Public
Python 3 binding for librsvg